
Herausgegeben von der Gutenberggesellschaft Mainz mit einem Kommentar von Severin Corsten

Mainzer Einblattdrucke

Nr. 1 : Die »Donate« von Gutenberg (?) und Schöffer im Gutenberg-Museum Mainz

22.5 x 30.0 cm, 4 p., 2 illustrations color, loose leaf - sheets and binder
18,00 €

ISBN: 9783882261349

Short Description

This facsimile series is dedicated to the reproduction of single pages which exemplify the history of early printing. The originals are in the Gutenberg Museum, Mainz and the facsimiles are carefully executed are published in limited and numered editions of 600 copies each.


Fine arts: art forms (184) || Literature: history & criticism (181) || Prints & printmaking (35)