
Bearbeitet von Katharina Kagerer Unter Benutzung der Vorarbeiten von Inga Finck

Die Inschriften des Landkreises Schaumburg

19.0 x 27.0 cm, 1032 p., 266 illustrations b/w, 72 illustrations color, 104 Tafeln, 1 Karte, hard cover with dust jacket, 2 Bände
99,00 €

ISBN: 9783954902507
Table of Contents

Short Description

This volume contains the annotated edition of 664 inscriptions and 74 dates and initials on objects dating from the 12th century to the year 1650. Having been an independent territory for a long time and due to a distinctive awareness of history the district of Schaumburg offers rich material of inscriptions. The emphasis is put on those concerning the Schaumburg residences and the gentry as well as house inscriptions. The inscriptions in village churches and in the convents of Möllenbeck and Obernkirchen show how the reformation had been established. The wallpaintings in Möllenbeck convent which have been recently uncovered are completely published for the first time.


This twofold volume covers the annotated edition of 664 inscriptions in the district of Schaumburg dating from the 12th century up to the year 1650. A further 76 short inscriptions are collected in an appendix. Not only do the original texts appear but also those only available in older copies or illustrations.
The district of Schaumburg offers a huge amount of material especially from the renaissance. Many of these inscriptions were created in the stimulating atmosphere at residences of the Lords of Holstein-Schaumburg in Stadthagen and Bückeburg. Next to them the landed gentry functioned as builders and donators. And of course the citizens of towns showed their self-consciousness by inscriptions on timbered houses mainly in Stadthagen and Rinteln. Inscriptions in churches show how the reformation had been established in that area. A great number of epitaphs have come down to us illustrating the mentality of the ruling classes.
The first part of this volume contains the preface, bibliography, register and the illustrations. The second part includes the catalogue with the annotated edition of the inscriptions. The articles, arranged in chronological order, provide the texts and explain the abbreviations. There is a translation of the Latin and medieval German texts and a description of the underlying objects. In the annotations you can find biographical information as well as hints on artists and craftsmen. In the appendix there are short inscriptions such as dates, initials, tituli and also marks.
This volume provides rich and complex material for local historical research as well as for questions concerning piety, education, mentality, history of art and philology.

Series Description

The project aims at compiling and publishing all Latin and German inscriptions of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period until 1650. Geographically, the collection currently covers Germany and Austria as well as South Tyrol. The findings are published in the DI volumes. Each volume comprises the inscriptions from one or several urban or rural districts or from a single city, issuing even smaller complexes separately in cities with particularly large numbers of inscriptions. The series includes both preserved original inscriptions and those which survive only as copies. “Die Deutschen Inschriften” is by far the oldest current project aiming at the compilation of medieval and early modern inscriptions. It was founded over 75 years ago as a joint project of the German and Austrian Academies of Sciences and Humanities on the initiative of the Germanist Friedrich Panzer (Heidelberg) with substantial cooperation from the historians Karl Brandi (Göttingen) and Hans Hirsch (Vienna).


16th century, c 1500 to c 1599 (153) || 17th century, c 1600 to c 1699 (112) || Cultural & media studies (310) || Cultural studies (292) || Glockeninschriften (13) || Historical research: source documents (225) || History (842) || History: theory & methods (233) || Inschriften (57) || Linguistics (739) || Mittelalter (295) || Palaeography (214) || Paläographie (81) || Schaumburg || Society & culture: general (417) || Stadt (25)