
Editors: Bemmann, Jan; Erdenebat, Ulambayar; Pohl, Ernst

Mongolian-German Karakorum Expedition

Vol. 1: Excavations in the Craftsman Quarter at the Main Road (= Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology, Vol. 2)

19.0 x 29.0 cm, 336 p., 145 illustrations color, 32 tables, 436 illustrations b/w, 5 maps, 5 Karten als Beilage, hardback
98,00 €

ISBN: 9783895006975
Table of Contents

Short Description

Karakorum, the first capital of the Mongol empire, has, since 1998, been explored by archaeologists from the University of Bonn in an interdisciplinary and international cooperation project. This first multi-year study of a newly founded city in the Mongolian steppe sheds new light on the complexity of equestrian nomadic organizations. The excavation area on the main street of the city opened a deep insight into Chinese crafts quarters and the living conditions of residents in the 13th and 14th Centuries AD. This publication includes findings from the excavations in the city center as well as contributions on the research history of Karakorum, but also on environmental geography and history of religion.


13th century, c 1200 to c 1299 (111) || 14th century, c 1300 to c 1399 (105) || Archaeology (538) || Archaeology by period / region (454) || Environmental archaeology (3) || Historical states & empires: multi-continental (57) || Historical states, empires & regions (231) || History of religion (69) || Karakorum (4) || Landscape archaeology (124) || Mongol Empire (5) || Mongolia (6) || Religion & beliefs (227) || Religion: general (94) || c 1000 CE to c 1500 (379)