Short Description
In the Republican period Rome was considered a “demilitarised” zone. Under Augustus soldiers were stationed in the imperial capital for the first time, making a decisive turning point between Republic and Principate. Between 10,000 and 40,000 soldiers lived and worked in Imperial Rome and constituted an important part of the civic culture of the city. The subject of this book is the military in the city of Rome in all its aspects, especially the multiple layers of its cultural image, its effect on the urban population, and its significance for civilian life in the capital. This is the first comprehensive evaluation of the written, archaeological and iconographic sources for the military in Rome and the life and function of the Roman soldiers in the capital.
Series Description
With PALILIA, the German Archaeological Institute of Rome introduces a new series of publications, primarily monographs on archaeological research done in or starting from Italy. The series will deal with new approaches and innovative research methods, and subjects neglected in classical archaeology. The subject range includes central archaeological research areas, such as Graeco-Roman sculpture, iconography, architecture, urban research, and topographic studies, as well as topics from social and economic history, history of religion and of everyday life.