Die 3D-Rekonstruktion des römischen Forums von Ladenburg. Beschreibung und Begründung der Nachbildung
21.0 x 29.7 cm, 152 p., 24 illustrations b/w, 54 illustrations color, 1 Falttafel, hardback
ISBN: 9783954902989
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21.0 x 29.7 cm, 152 p., 24 illustrations b/w, 54 illustrations color, 1 Falttafel, hardback
35,00 €
ISBN: 9783954902989
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Short Description
In their publication "The 3D Reconstruction of the Roman Forum at Ladenburg", the authors Juergen Suess and Brigitte Graef describe and explain the reason for their virtual reconstruction of the forum of the former "Lopodunum", at the location of the present town of Ladenburg between Mannheim and Heidelberg. The result of this reconstruction can be seen in an animation at the Lobdengau Museum at Ladenburg. The work is published as volume VI of the series "LOPODUNUM" by the "Landesamt fuer Denkmalpflege at Baden-Wuerttemberg“.Ladenburg, during Roman times, was the administrative centre of a so-called "civitas". This status included a large architectural complex in the middle of town consisting of the forum and the basilica. Although only remnants were found during the excavation, even those reflect the former greatness and splendor of the original structure.
Further study of the ancient building complex - dating back to the 2nd century A.D. - led to additional research into Roman architecture of the province of Germania Superior during the high empire. The aim of this treatise is not only to inspect the remains of the forum, but to consider what the destroyed elements may have looked like, such as: floors, columns, windows, doors, steps, ceilings, and roofs.
Besides discussions concerning the design of the forum, opinions are also debated with respect to functions of parts, e.g. the basilica and entrance hall. The design of a building cannot be separated from its function. And this in turn raises the question, where the imagined curia or city council might have been located? One would assume that it mirrored the administrative status of the centre of a civitas. Could it be that the administration met at the large apsis on the backside of the basilica? Furthermore, one is led to another question: What monuments might have stood within the courtyard of the forum?
The book on the 3D reconstruction of the Ladenburg Forum therefore touches upon important themes, which concern Roman fora in the provinces in general.
In their publication "The 3D Reconstruction of the Roman Forum at Ladenburg", the authors Juergen Suess and Brigitte Graef describe and explain the reason for their virtual reconstruction of the forum of the former "Lopodunum", at the location of the present town of Ladenburg between Mannheim and Heidelberg. The result of this reconstruction can be seen in an animation at the Lobdengau Museum at Ladenburg. The work is published as volume VI of the series "LOPODUNUM" by the "Landesamt fuer Denkmalpflege at Baden-Wuerttemberg“.Ladenburg, during Roman times, was the administrative centre of a so-called "civitas". This status included a large architectural complex in the middle of town consisting of the forum and the basilica. Although only remnants were found during the excavation, even those reflect the former greatness and splendor of the original structure.
Further study of the ancient building complex - dating back to the 2nd century A.D. - led to additional research into Roman architecture of the province of Germania Superior during the high empire. The aim of this treatise is not only to inspect the remains of the forum, but to consider what the destroyed elements may have looked like, such as: floors, columns, windows, doors, steps, ceilings, and roofs.
Besides discussions concerning the design of the forum, opinions are also debated with respect to functions of parts, e.g. the basilica and entrance hall. The design of a building cannot be separated from its function. And this in turn raises the question, where the imagined curia or city council might have been located? One would assume that it mirrored the administrative status of the centre of a civitas. Could it be that the administration met at the large apsis on the backside of the basilica? Furthermore, one is led to another question: What monuments might have stood within the courtyard of the forum?
The book on the 3D reconstruction of the Ladenburg Forum therefore touches upon important themes, which concern Roman fora in the provinces in general.
Biographical Note
Dr. Jürgen Süß: Geb. 1963, Promotion in Klassischer Archäologie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München bei Prof. Wulf Raeck und Prof. Valentin Kockel 1996. Titel der Dissertation „Kaiserkult und Stadt. Kultstätten für römische Kaiser in Asia und Galatia“. Ausbildung zum Multimedia-Autor an der Multimedia-Akademie Friedrichshafen.Derzeitige Tätigkeit: Dozent am Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Universität Heidelberg und 3D-Visualisierungen.
Forschungsschwerpunkte: Architektur, Urbanistik, 3D-Rekonstruktionen, Visualisierungen.
Dr. Brigitte Gräf: Geb. 1971, Promotion in Klassischer Archäologie an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg bei Prof. Tonio Hölscher und Prof. Géza Alföldy 2004. Titel der Dissertation „Die Großen dieser Welt. Kolossalporträts im antiken Rom.“
Derzeitige Tätigkeit: Wissenschaftliche Angestellte bei der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Forschungsstelle „Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg“.
Forschungsschwerpunkte: späte römische Republik und Kaiserzeit, Repräsentationsformen in der römischen Gesellschaft, lateinische Epigraphik.
Series Description
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Die „Forschungen und Berichte zur Archäologie in Baden-Württemberg “ erscheinen ab 2016 als neue, hochwertige monographische Reihe des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart. Die neue Reihe vereint die drei etablierten archäologischen Reihen des Landesamts (Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Forschungen und Berichte der Archäologie des Mittelalters sowie die Materialhefte zur Archäologie), die sich inzwischen inhaltlich und in ihrem Umfang kaum mehr voneinander unterscheiden, in einem neuen, modernen Design.
In der Reihe erscheinen in erster Linie Monographien, daneben aber auch Sammelwerke wie z. B. Tagungsbände. Die publizierten Forschungsergebnisse resultieren vor allem aus archäologischen Ausgrabungen der Landesdenkmalpflege, die häufig im Rahmen von akademischen Abschlussarbeiten aufgearbeitet wurden. Thematisch wird die Archäologie in ihrer gesamten zeitlichen Tiefe abgedeckt, von der Vor- und Frühgeschichte über die Provinzialrömische Geschichte und das frühe Mittelalter bis zur Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Die neue Reihe ist das wissenschaftliche Aushängeschild der archäologischen Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg.