
Editors: Mackensen, Michael; Schimmer, Florian

Der römische Militärplatz Submuntorium/Burghöfe an der oberen Donau

Archäologische Untersuchungen im spätrömischen Kastell und Vicus 2001 bis 2007

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 568 p., 177 illustrations b/w, 20 illustrations color, 3 line drawings color, 49 tables b/w, 3 farbige Faltpläne als Beilage, hardback
128,00 €

ISBN: 9783895008214
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Table of Contents

Short Description

The Roman site Submuntorium/Burghöfe is situated on a plateau of a promontory above the valleys of the rivers Danube and Lech, about 30 km north of the provincial capital of Augusta Vindelicum/Augsburg. It represents one of the most important military sites of the province of Raetia during the early and late Roman periods. The excavations, conducted between 2001 and 2007 by the University of Munich, offered new information on the sequence of the early Roman timber forts and the extension of the civil settlement (vicus) in the 1st c. AD. Of particular importance is the localization of the late Roman fortification, which was built around 300 AD on the promontory, as well as its adjacent artisanal settlement where ferrous and non-ferrous metals were processed. The end of the fort may be dated to the middle or to the third quarter of the 5th c. AD.


The Roman site Submuntorium/Burghöfe is situated on a plateau of a promontory above the valleys of the rivers Danube and Lech, about 30 km north of the provincial capital of Augusta Vindelicum/Augsburg. It represents one of the most important military sites of the province of Raetia during the early and late Roman periods. From 2001–2007, four excavation seasons, including a geophysical and a field survey, were conducted on the so-called east plateau, a spur of the promontory, as well as on the tip of the spur by the University of Munich. Research focussed on the late Roman fortification and its period of occupation. However, it also offered new information on the early Roman military sites and the extension of the civil settlement (vicus) in the 1st c. AD. One of the most important results is the verification of a fortification of 1.5 ha, consisting of a curved system of two defensive ditches and possibly an accompanying turf or earth and timber rampart. They pre-date the well-known auxiliary fort and should belong to the early 40s of the 1st c. AD. After the abandonment of the fortification and the construction of the auxiliary fort the so-called eastern vicus developed in this area. It was destroyed by fire around AD 80.
The late Roman fort and its 1.5 m wide opus caementicium wall were documented in various areas on the tip of the spur. The fortification dates to the late 290s AD and belongs to a group of forts that were built around AD 300 as part of an official Tetrarchic building programme in Raetia. The Notitia Dignitatum mentions the deployment of a mounted unit and a detachment of the legio III Italica at Submuntorium. During the Constantinian period, an artisanal settlement of combined workshops and living quarters processed ferrous and non-ferrous metals. It was fortified around AD 350 with a defensive ditch and an earth or turf rampart. The small finds provide evidence of the period of occupation of the late Roman fortification and the adjacent vicus as well as of the military and civil population. Two gold coins of Leo I probably attest a military presence during the third quarter of the 5th c. AD. It seems likely that the security of the frontiers and military structures of the provinces Raetia prima et secunda, both part of the Italian diocese Italia annonaria, were maintained until the death of Aetius in AD 454. Raetia may have consequently acted as a type of defensive glacis for the Italian prefecture until the abdication of the last Roman emperor of the western empire, Romulus Augustulus.


„Die beiden Herausgeber (präsentieren) einen Band, der in der vorbildlichen Zusammenschau von archäologischen Befunden und Funden einen wichtigen Meilenstein in der Erforschung des (frühkaiserzeitlichen und) spätrömischen Limes in Rätien darstellt. Beiträge eines Autorenkollektivs dieser Größe unter einen Hut zu bringen, ist keine leichte Aufgabe. Die inhaltliche Verschränkung der Einzelbeiträge ist aber sehr gut gelungen, sodass ein reichhaltiger Band entstand, der als Orientierungsmarke für zukünftige Forschungen zur Spätantike in Rätien bzw, im süddeutschen Raum zu gelten hat.“

Von: Christian Gugl

In: Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaften 17 (2014) S. 1179-1183, http://gfa.gbv.de/dr,gfa,017,2014,r,23.pdf, 04.12.2014.

„Der auf einem Hochterrassensporn über dem Donau- und Lechtal, gut 30 km nördlich der Provinzhauptstadt Augusta Vindelicum/Augsburg gelegene römische Fundplatz Submuntorium/Burghöfe zählt zu den wichtigsten Kastellorten der Provinz Raetia während der frühen und späten Kaiserzeit. 2001-2007 wurden von der Provinzialrömischen Archäologie der Universität München der Sporn und ein Teil der Hochterrasse, das sog. Ostplateau, in vier Grabungskampagnen untersucht, ergänzt durch einen Geländesurvey und eine geophysikalische Prospektion.“

In: http://www.fachbuchkritik.de/html/der_romische_militarplatz_subm.html, 04.12.2014.


„Es ist den Autoren gelungen, zeitnah nach Abschluss der Ausgrabungen eine in jeder Hin
sicht sorgfältig ausgearbeitete und erschöpfende, manchmal fast schon etwas zu detailverliebte
Publikation vorzulegen, in die auch die Ergebnisse von Prüfungsarbeiten eingeflossen sind. Wert
voll sind die zahlreichen stratifizierten, numismatisch oft post oder ante quem datierten Befunde
und Funde. Der römische Militärplatz Burghöfe ist nun das, was er für die provinzialrömische
Archäologie sein sollte: ein „dated site“. Diese gemeinschaftliche Institutsleistung ist vorbildlich –
vivant sequentes!“

Von Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz
In: Germania Jg. 93, 1-2 (2015), S. 330-335


„Die sorgfältige Redaktion des Bandes und die gelungene Abstimmung der Beiträge untereinander
sind daher hervorzuheben. Das alles zusammen mit der Material- und Befundvorlage sowie der Auswertung im
laufenden Institutsbetrieb zu stemmen, ist eine beeindruckende Leistung, die der Kernmannschaft sicher
viel abverlangte. Der herausgekommene Ertrag ist eine wesentliche Bereicherung für die Provinzialrömische
Forschung. Allen Beteiligten ist zu diesem wichtigen Opus zu gratulieren.“

Von Dr. marcus Zagermann
In: Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblätter 82 (2017)

Biographical Note

Michael Mackensen studied Archaeology of the Roman Provinces, Prehistory and Ancient History at Munich, Freiburg and Oxford from 1969 until 1977. After his MA (1974), PhD (1977) and a travel scholarship granted by the German Archaeological Institute/DAI (1977/78) he participated in excavations of the DAI at Carthage (Tunisia) and Resafa (Syria). From 1982 to 1994 he was research assistant at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences conducting excavations in Bavaria (e. g. Nersingen, Kellmünz) and a survey project at El Mahrine (Tunisia). In 1991 he submitted his habilitation thesis and then became Professor for Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich in 1994. He carried out various field projects in Tunisia (1998/99 Chemtou), Egypt (2001/02 Deir el-Bachit; 2005–2013 Nag al-Hagar) and Libya (2009/10 LMUexcellent-Project limes Tripolitanus). In 1989 he was allocated with the Kurt-Bittel-Preis für Süddeutsche Altertumskunde and in 2010 with the Preis für gute Lehre des Freistaats Bayern.

Florian Schimmer studied Archaeology of the Roman Provinces, Prehistory and Ancient History at Munich and London. After his MA (2001) he finished his PhD in 2007 at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. From 2007 to 2012 he worked in two field projects conducted by the Archaeology of the Roman Provinces of the same University (Burghöfe and limes Tripolitanus/Libya). At the moment he is active in the Aquileia-project of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Vienna. His main fields of research comprise pottery as well as early and late Roman military and civil sites north of the Alps and in North Africa.


4th century, c 300 to c 399 (45) || 5th century, c 400 to c 499 (47) || Archaeology (541) || Archaeology by period / region (457) || Architecture (167) || Architecture: castles & fortifications (11) || Architecture: residential buildings, domestic buildings (28) || Bavaria (35) || Burg (2) || Central Europe (288) || Germany (246) || Landscape archaeology (125) || Military history (14) || Römer (10) || Southeast Germany (34) || c 1 CE to c 500 CE (154)