
Voigts, Clemens

Selinus VI. Die Altäre in den Stadtheiligtümern

Studien zur westgriechischen Altararchitektur im 6. und 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr.

24.5 x 34.0 cm, 194 p., 10 illustrations color, 232 illustrations b/w, 11 Beilagen, cloth
78,00 €

ISBN: 9783954902132
Table of Contents

Short Description

The sixth volume of the Selinus series deals with the monumental altars in the urban sanctuaries of Selinunte. Nine large altars from the sixth and fifth centuries B.C., which are investigated with the methods of building archaeology, allow the reconstruction of the architectural development in Archaic and Classical times. In a comparative study altars in other Western Greek sanctuaries are taken into account. On this basis questions of sacrifice and ritual practice are addressed, so that a comprehensive picture of the altars of the Greek West is created.


The sixth volume of the Selinus series deals with the monumental altars of Selinunte, a Greek polis situated on the south-western coast of Sicily. The book shows that in regard of altars Selinunte is an extremely significant archaeological site. Usually Greek altars are poorly preserved and therefore little known; in the urban sanctuaries of Selinunte, by contrast, the remains of nine large altars from the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. can be identified.
The investigation is carried out with the methods of building archaeology: On the basis of detailed measurements and drawings the altars are analysed and graphically restored. Their dense chronological sequence allows to reconstruct the architectural development in Archaic and Classical times. It is argued that the evolution of altars starts with simple but large offering tables and leads to elaborately designed buildings, often decorated with the formal apparatus of the Doric order. In a comparative study, this line of evolution can be verified also for other Western Greek cities and sanctuaries, for example Agrigento, Syracuse, and Paestum. Special attention is paid to later modifications of altars that provide insight into the specific way in which they were used, so that questions of sacrifice and ritual practice can be discussed. With its holistic approach the book creates a comprehensive picture of the altars of the Greek West.

Biographical Note

Since his diploma in architecture Clemens Voigts (born in 1971) works in the field of building archaeology, at first mainly in Greek and Roman architecture, where he also did his doctoral thesis on the monumental altars of Selinunte. After an assistant professorship at the Technical University of Munich and a research fellowship at the German Archaeological Institute in Rome he is now lecturing at the Universität der Bundeswehr München with a focus on history of architecture and construction history of the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Besides, he is still busy researching archaeological topics, for example in Rome and in an excavation project in Agrigento.

Series Description

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Seit 1973 erscheinen in der renommierten Reihe „Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Rom“ Monographien zu bedeutenden Forschungen in Italien und Nordafrika. In Vorbereitung sind Studien zu herausragenden Bauten der griechisch-römischen Antike wie dem Poseidontempel in Paestum, den Befestigungen des antiken Syrakus oder dem Kolosseum in Rom.


Altar (4) || Alte Geschichte (86) || Ancient Greek style (11) || Ancient history (97) || Archaeology (541) || Archaeology by period / region (457) || Architecture (167) || BCE period – Protohistory (19) || City & town planning: architectural aspects (25) || Griechisch (36) || Heiligtum (12) || History (842) || Landscape archaeology (125) || Landscape architecture & design (42) || Regional & area planning (10) || Selinus VI || Stadtarchitektur (8) || Stadtgeschichte (16) || Urban & municipal planning (6)