
Editor: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz

Hamann, Olaf; Hartwieg, Ursula; Krems, Heike; Wittenberg, Andreas; Wehmeyer, Annette

Ex Bibliotheca Regia Berolinensi

Schöne und seltene Bücher aus der Abteilung Historische Drucke

23.0 x 30.0 cm, 240 p., 124 illustrations color, hardback
58,00 €

ISBN: 9783895001895

Short Description

The Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage - holds about 9.5 million printed books. The most precious part of these is kept in special collections. Their development reflects many aspects of German history. The collections were displaced during the Second World War, separated into two independent libraries after their return to Berlin, and eventually reunited after more than five decades.
This work presents the special collections of the Department of Early Printed Books. Over 75 outstanding examples are described, placecd within the context of the respective collection and lavishly illustrated by full-page colour photographs. Valuable background information concerning the collectors is provided and each edition is placed within the context of its printing history. Highlights of over 500 years of European printing history cover for example the broadsheet of the „95 Theses“ of Martin Luther, a photo album of a costume ball at the court of the Russian Czar as well as examples of advertisement and erotica. The selection is completed by privately printed books of the 20th century.


Berlin (7) || Bibliothek (19) || Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen (21) || Bibliotheksgeschichte (7) || Book design (92) || Buchhandel (6) || Europe (43) || Exhibition catalogues & specific collections (210) || Fine arts: art forms (184) || Fine arts: treatments & subjects (402) || History of art (242) || Kommunikation / Verlage (6) || Medien (8) || Prints & printmaking (35) || c 1500 onwards to present day (31)