Editor: Gruschke, Andreas; Breuer, Ingo
Tibetan Pastoralists and Development
Negotiating the Future of Grassland Livelihoods
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 240 p., hardback
79,00 €
The unique pastoralist economy, society, and culture on the Tibetan plateau has experienced profound changes during the 20th century: An ever closer integration into the Chinese...
Series: Nomaden und Sesshafte
Volume: 20
Breuer, Ingo
Existenzsicherung und Mobilität im ariden Marokko
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 220 p., hardback
54,00 €
The living conditions of former nomads in the arid mountain and desert regions of Morocco have been subject to dramatic change during the last decades. New economic and social...
Series: Nomaden und Sesshafte
Volume: 09