
Kobus, Susann

Musikalische Begleitung für Frühgeborene und ihre Familien

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 112 p., 7 tables b/w, 9 illustrations b/w, paperback / softback
19,90 €

ISBN: 9783954903191
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Table of Contents

Short Description

The time during a high-risk pregnancy and after preterm birth is marked by fear, hope, disappointment, confidence, cohesion and self-assertion. This book presents a music therapy concept for the pre-, peri- and post-natal accompaniment of families with a premature infant and at least one sibling. The music therapy care can be started or stopped at any time according to the indication or contraindication and is also recommendable for pregnant women without risk factors and mature newborns. Music therapy is an important preventive measure for the stability and development of a premature infant and the promotion of family bonding and can complete the existing medical treatment offer.


This book deals with the family centered music therapy in the neonatology (NICU) and presents
a music therapeutic concept for the accompaniment of families with a premature infant
and at least one sibling. The aim of the concept is to increase the self-efficacy of the
baby, the parents and the sibling, and to foster family ties which are already developing prenatally.
In order to fully support the families in their process, the illustrated concept presents
a music therapy support, which begins prenatally in case of a high-risk pregnancy and is continued
peri- and postnatal. However, it can be started or stopped at any time according to
the indication or contraindication and is also recommendable for pregnant women without
risk factors and mature newborns.
The music therapy aims primarily at the beginning of the parent-child-bonding and the sibling-
bonding as the most important protection factor in the child development and promotes
a positive development of the child after the discharge from the neonatological care
unit. The time during a high-risk pregnancy and after premature birth is characterized by
fear, hope, disappointment, confidence, cohesion and self-assertion. High demands are also
made on the sibling, who is not only experiences a prolongation of parental care and attention,
but must also learn to tolerate and deal with it. The sibling must also bear the burdens
on the parents. The stay of a newborn in a neonatal intensive care unit represents a crisis
and stressful situation for the entire family.
Music therapy in the neonatology offers diverse and effective interventions to promote
bonding development between the premature infant, the parents, and the siblings.
It helps the parents and the siblings to improve their sensitivity in dealing with the premature
infant. The music establishes on the intrauterine acoustic experience and helps to enrich
the highly technical environment of the intensive care unit with something familiar and
human. It supports the premature infant in the adaptation of the extrauterine environment
and promotes the perceptions that contribute to the structural and functional development
of the child and the thriving of sensory perception. Music therapy is an important preventive
measure for the stability and development of a premature infant and can complete the existing
medical treatment offer.

Biographical Note

Susann Kobus,
was born in Dresden in 1985. She studied piano and music pedagogy (diploma) at the University
of Music "Carl-Maria von Weber" in Dresden and the University of Music in Cologne
and Clinical Music Therapy (M.A.) at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster. In
2015, Susann Kobus made her doctors degree in didactic of music, psychology and education
at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster.
As a music therapist (M.A.) and Heilpraktiker (psychotherapy) she works in her own office in
Münster and at the University Hospital Essen. Her specialties at the University Hospital Essen
are in the Children's Hospital (Neonatology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Endocrinology,
Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Oncology and Neuropediatrics), the Women's Hospital
and the West German Tumor Center.
Susann Kobus is currently involved in research projects with music therapy in neonatology
and pediatric oncology at the University Hospital Essen.
In her own office in Münster, Susann Kobus works as a music therapist with pregnant
women, premature babies in the aftercare, newborns, children and adolescents.
Susann Kobus is a lecturer in music therapy at the Medical Faculty of the University of Duisburg-
As a qualified music teacher, she gives lessons for piano for children, adolescents and adults
and courses of early music education and integrative music education in Münster.


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