
Heilige Schrift

Results 1 - 2 of 2
Rainer, Thomas

Das Buch und die vier Ecken der Welt

Von der Hülle der Thorarolle zum Deckel des Evangeliencodex

22.5 x 31.5 cm, 356 p., hardback
98,00 €

Starting with a detailed iconographic analysis of the four angles (gammadia) placed in the four corners of the book covers gifted by the Lombard queen Theodelinda to the basilica...

Humbach, Helmut; Faiss, Klaus

Zarathushtra and his Antagonists

A Sociolinguistic Study with English and German Translation of His Gathas (SZ)

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 216 p., cloth
69,00 €