
Prifti, Elton; Schweickard, Wolfgang

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Orientalia 11

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 96 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

ISBN: 9783752008678

Short Description

Oriental languages have left their mark on the Italian vocabulary for centuries. Linguistic research into this sphere of language contact has a rich tradition, but there is still some work to be done. A comprehensive historical and etymological dictionary of Oriental elements in Italian remained an important desideratum for a long time. This gap will now be closed by the section of the Orientalia of the Lessico Etimologico Italiano (LEI). The Orientalia have the purpose of gathering and commenting the words of Oriental origin which have made their way into Italian historical sources. The chronological range of its documentation covers the period from the beginnings to around 1900. The Oriental languages taken into consideration are Arabic, Turkish and Persian. This approach corresponds to the concept of the Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (FEW) which deals with these three languages in volume XIX (Orientalia), whereas other Oriental languages are included in volume XX. It is planned to publish a total of 16 fascicles (plus a comprehensive lexical index), which will constitute two volumes of the LEI. The bibliography, which contains nearly 9,000 entries, will be freely accessible at . In view of the large number of languages involved, the metalanguage of the Orientalia is English.

Series Description

Il "Lessico etimologico italiano" offre: 1. Il primo esempio di dizionario etimologico di base che prende sistematicamente in considerazione la lingua italiana scritta e i dialetti italiani. 2. Il prima esempio di dizionario etimologico della lingua italiana che nella struttura corrisponde al FEW e pone l'italiano nel quadro della lessicologia romanza. Partendo dall'etimo si tenta di presentare la storia di ogni vocabolo tenendo conto delle connessioni geograficolinguistiche e socio-culturali. 3. Una sistematica indicazione delle fonti in ordine cronologico per ogni grafia e ogni significato; indicazioni bibliografiche alla fine di ogni articolo che riflettono 10 stato piiI avanzato della ricerca lessicale italiana. 4. Un indice alfabetico alla fine di ogni volume con l'elenco dei suffissi e dei prefissi. The “Lessico etimologico italiano” provides: 1. The first fundamental etymological dictionary that systematically takes into account written Italian and the Italian dialects. 2. The first Italian etymological dictionary that corresponds to the FEW in its structure and presents the Italian vocabulary in the general context of Romance languages. Taking the etymon as a starting point, it is attempted to present the etymology of each word, taking into account sociocultural and geographical aspects. 3. Systematic, chronologically ordered citations for each spelling and each meaning; bibliographical notes at the end of each article, which are based on the current state of research. 4. Alphabetical glossary at the end of each volume, including an index of derivational morphemes.


Dictionaries (225) || Indo-European languages (452) || Italische Sprachen (252) || Italy (86) || Romanistik (30) || Sprachwissenschaft (153) || Wörterbuch (35)