
Yu, Yueh-Ping

„Falsche Zwillinge“ im Chinesischen

Scheinsynonyme bei Verben und Adjektiven

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 192 p., paperback / softback
24,95 €

ISBN: 9783954901784
Table of Contents

Short Description

The Dictionary of false twins is about so‐called "bogus synonyms" (近义词 jìnyìcí) in Chinese, i.e. the
words meanings are similar, but not identical. The conceptual differences of these terms are
unfortunately usually translated undifferentiated in German dictionaries, thus going unnoticed,
resulting in incorrect selections in the parlance.
This book treats about 90 verbs and adjectives 70, their semantic‐syntactic similarities and
differences are clearly illustrated and explained analytically based on numerous examples used in
everyday communication.


The intention of this book is to let learners of Chinese get a true and deeper understanding of it.
Often words are selected wrongly in daily language conversation. This happens often, when words
are somewhat similar but not identical, I call them as „apparent synonyms" (近义词 jìnyìcí).
Such kinds of errors are supported by dictionaries, which unfortunately do not differentiate enough
the meaning of some expressions, thus don't show how to select them properly.
This happens more likely in totally unrelated languages as it is the case with German and Chinese.
This easily can shift the focus of conversation in an unwanted direction. The selection of
inappropriate words can make e.g. even the so well‐intentioned proposal to accompany someone
safely back home being understood as an invitation to come along to one's own home and might
cause unintended irritations, as sentences a and b show (the Chinese characters 帶 and 送 both have
the meaning of "to bring", but only the character 送 expresses clearly to accompany someone back
a. 我送你回家。wǒ sòng nǐ huíjiā.
b. 我带你回家。wǒ dài nǐ huíjiā.
This dictionary of the "false twins" has been written in order to fill the still prevailing gap in
dictionaries and even research to enable the fellow language learner to avoid linguistic "pitfalls" and
to acquire a more profound comprehension of language.
It is about so‐called "bogus synonyms" in Chinese, words whose meanings are similar, but not
identical. The focus of the dictionary is on describing semantic and syntactic features of selected
phrases to achieve a sound knowledge of practical language application and gives a full
understanding of theses "false twins" common ground and differences.
This dictionary deals with about 90 verbs and adjectives 70 commonly used in daily life conversation
which are arranged alphabetically in groups according to their German translation. Their similarities
and differences are clearly illustrated and explained with numerous examples used in everyday
communication. Plenty of accompanied exercises and tests enable you to deepen and double‐check
your acquired language skills.
This book is suitable for Chinese‐learners with a language level range from HSK‐A2 to HKS‐C1.

Biographical Note

Current occupation
Language Lecturer for companies (Chinese) and in integration courses (German)
Research Focus
‐ Semantics of culture‐specific expressions
‐ Apparent synonyms in Chinese


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