
Haist, Andrea

Der ägyptische Roman

Rezeption und Wertung von den Anfängen bis 1945

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 620 p., hardback
68,00 €

ISBN: 9783895001871
Table of Contents

Short Description

Beginning in the 1820s, the decade Egyptians were first able to read a European novel, this study traces the process through which the novel subsequently established itself and then thrived as a genre in modern Egyptian literature, culminating in the first social-critical novel of the future Nobel Prize winner Najīb Maḥfūẓ in 1945.
By taking the unique perspective of the respective contemporary readership, the study is also able to plot which aesthetic standards literary criticism established, how these standards and the values behind their assumptions changed, and how they were used to distinguish the novel from other literary genres and text types. This focus on reception provides an invaluable complementary dimension to the history of the modern novel in Egypt and is the first monograph of its kind in Arabic Studies.


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In der arabischen Literatur ist die Gattung Roman erst seit der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts unter europäischem Einfluß in Gebrauch gekommen, konnte sich aber rasch als ein wichtiges künstlerisches Ausdrucksmedium etablieren. Beginnend mit den zwanziger Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts, als ein ägyptischer Leser erstmals ein europäisches Erzählwerk in die Hand nahm zeichnet die vorliegende Studie den Prozeß der Etablierung und Entwicklung der Gattung Roman in der modernen ägyptischen Literatur nach und verfolgt diesen Prozeß aus der Perspektive der Rezipienten, der ägyptischen Leser und Literaturkritiker bis zum Erscheinen des ersten sozialkritischen Romans des späteren Nobelpreisträgers Nagib Mahfuz im Jahr 1945. Die Studie verfolgt ebenso den Prozeß der Etablierung und Umschichtung einzelner Wertmaßstäbe in der Literaturkritik und zeigt, welche Wertmaßstäbe den Status der sich etablierenden Gattung Roman gegenüber anderen literarischen Gattungen und Textsorten bestimmten. Sie bildet so eine rezeptionsgeschichtliche Ergänzung der Geschichte des modernen Romans in Ägypten und ist innerhalb der Arabistik weltweit die erste Monographie, die eine rezeptionsästhetische Fragestellung auf dem heutigen Entwicklungsstand literaturwissenschaftlicher Methoden behandelt.

Series Description

Literatures in Context is a peer-reviewed book series devoted to Near Eastern and North African literatures. The editors want the title of the series to be understood programmatically. They presuppose a concept of world literature that includes Near Eastern and North African literatures. What is more, they assume that literatures are in many ways marked by intertextuality, that they constitute readings of extremely diverse earlier texts, and that they are posited within a field of tensions, much broader than their respective national language. For the earlier eras of Near Eastern and North African literatures, this field of tensions geographically covers the regions of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor. In modern times, it has become a space of interaction that has long since included “global” Western literatures (and realities). This does not imply that the modern Near Eastern and North African literatures have severed themselves from their predecessors. Instead it is precisely the tension between different sets of references in modern Near Eastern and North African literatures, or their “local historical context”, which is a great part of their attraction, that remains a crucial field of research for the modern scholar.

Katalog als PDF


19th century, c 1800 to c 1899 (66) || 20th century, c 1900 to c 1999 (87) || Afro-Asiatic languages (126) || Arabic (105) || Early 20th century c 1900 to c 1950 (30) || Egypt (242) || Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers (29) || Literary theory (11) || Literatur (70) || Literature: history & criticism (181) || Literaturgeschichte (46) || North Africa (247) || Roman (8) || Semitic languages (99)