
Sociology & anthropology

Results 61 - 80 of 108
Editor: Tandaschwili, Manana; Gippert, Jost

Georgische Gegenwartsliteratur

Eine Anthologie georgisch-deutsch

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 406 p., paperback / softback
29,80 €

This anthology illustrates the literary work of the historical development of Georgia over the last 30 years for German readers. It includes in particular such works, which - to...

Newid, Mehr Ali

Aromata in der iranischen Kultur

unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der persischen Dichtung

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 368 p., hardback
79,00 €

This volume is the result of more than 10 years' research in Persian culture from the Achaemenid period (559 B.C.) until the end of the Safavids’ time (1722 A.D.). The main...

Series: Iran – Turan Volume: 11
Herausgegeben von Ute Pietruschka und Michael P. Streck in Verbindung mit Beate Eschment

Symbolische Repräsentation und Wirklichkeit nomadischen Lebens

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 216 p., hardback
68,00 €

This essay collection brings together contributions from two research colloquia of the Collaborative Research Center “Difference and Integration. The interaction between nomadic...

Series: Nomaden und Sesshafte Volume: 12
Berg, Eberhard

The Sherpa »Dumji« Masked Dance Festival

An ethnographic description of the ›great liturgical performance‹ as celebrated annually according to the tradition of the Lamaserwa clan in the village temple of Gonpa Zhung, Solu

21.0 x 28.0 cm, 234 p., paperback / softback
34,00 €
Mayer, Anja-Nadine

Probleme touristischer Entwicklung auf der Insel Soqotra

Vom Missverständnis »Ökotourismus« zu nachhaltigem Tourismus?

21.0 x 28.0 cm, 152 p., paperback / softback
39,00 €

The island of Soqotra, belonging to the Republic of Yemen, is a part of the UNESCO world natural heritage site since the summer of 2008. Its development prospects are...

Series: Jemen-Studien Volume: 19
Leiermann, Tom

Shibam – Leben in Lehmtürmen

Weltkulturerbe im Jemen

21.0 x 28.0 cm, 296 p., hardback
49,00 €

"Shibam - Leben in Lehmtürmen" is a unique representation of the ancient oasis city in Yemen that was declared a World Heritage Site because of its spectacular clay towers. From...

Series: Jemen-Studien Volume: 18
Sattarov, Rufat

Islam, State, and Society in Independent Azerbaijan

Between Historical Legacy and Post-Soviet Reality - with special reference to Baku and its environs

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 394 p., hardback
62,00 €

The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the appearance of new independent states in its place resulted in dramatic changes in geopolitics. Azerbaijan emerged as one of the new...

Series: Kaukasienstudien Volume: 11
Editor: Kath, Roxana; Rieger, Anna-Katharina

Raum – Landschaft – Territorium

Zur Konstruktion physischer Räume als nomadischer und sesshafter Lebensraum

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 316 p., hardback
78,00 €

The essays collected in this volume discuss the construction, development and perception of spaces from an interdisciplinary perspective and demonstrate how they evolve into...

Series: Nomaden und Sesshafte Volume: 11
Fähnrich, Heinz

In den Bergen der Götter

Alte Glaubensvorstellungen, Überlieferungen und Bräuche bei den Georgiern des Kaukasus

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 164 p., paperback / softback
19,90 €

No english description available. Showing german description:
Der Kaukasus, jenes Randgebirge unseres Kontinents, in dem die höchsten Berge Europas aufragen, bezaubert und...

Herausgegeben von Dieter Mertens mit Beiträgen von Franz Alto Bauer, Werner Eck, Arnold Esch, Emanuele Greco, Pierre Gros, Henner von Hesberg, Adolf Hoffmann, Ray Laurence, Ricardo Mar, Thomas Schattner und Marianne Tabeczek

Stadtverkehr in der antiken Welt

Internationales Kolloquium zur 175-Jahrfeier des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Rom vom 21. bis 23. April 2004

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 244 p., paperback / softback
39,00 €

This volume deals with a topic that has influenced much current research, but which has rarely been applied to Classical times – the complex phenomenon of "transport" and...

Series: Palilia Volume: 18
Editor: Baldauf, Ingeborg; Gammer, Moshe; Loy, Thomas

Bukharan Jews in the 20th Century

History, Experience and Narration

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 240 p., hardback
45,00 €

Although the Jews of Central Asia have a long, eventful and fascinating history, the community of the Bukharan Jews attracted very little attention from researchers until...

Series: Iran – Turan Volume: 09
Heckendorf, Renate

»Bubalin« und »Bovidien« in Südmarokko

Kontext, Klassifikation und Chronologie der Felsbilder im mittleren Draa-Tal

19.0 x 29.0 cm, 332 p., hardback
69,00 €

This book deals with prehistoric rock art (petroglyphs) from the northern fringe of the Sahara, or more precisely from the area situated between the Western Anti-Atlas, the Jebel...

Skilling, Peter; Pakdeekham, Santi

Pali and Vernacular Literature Transmitted in Central and Northern Siam

13.0 x 21.0 cm, 574 p., paperback / softback
28,00 €

„Pali and Vernacular Literature Transmitted in Central and Northern Siam“ is a preliminary survey of the pre-modern literature of Central and Northern Siam. Based on old records,...

Leypold, Christina

Bankettgebäude in griechischen Heiligtümern

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 368 p., hardback
82,00 €

The consumption of sacrificial meat was a central part of Greek cult festivals. People used to dine outdoors or in temporary structures specifically built for the festivals....

Breuer, Ingo

Existenzsicherung und Mobilität im ariden Marokko

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 220 p., hardback
54,00 €

The living conditions of former nomads in the arid mountain and desert regions of Morocco have been subject to dramatic change during the last decades. New economic and social...

Series: Nomaden und Sesshafte Volume: 09
Mit einem vollständigen Nachdruck des Werkes »Sittliche und natürliche Geschichte von Tunkin« von Heinrich August Ottokar Reichard. Herausgegeben, kommentiert und illustriert von Andreas Reinecke und Nguyen Thi Thanh Luyen

Das alte Vietnam

Auf den Spuren des Abbé Charles-Thomas de Saint-Phalle in Tunkin

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 264 p., hardback
49,00 €

In 1779, the German scholar Heinrich August Ottokar Reichard translated the French book “Histoire naturelle, civile et politique du Tonquin” of Jérôme Richard, which had been...

Editor: Breuer, Ingo; Gertel, Jörg

Pastoral Morocco

Globalizing Scapes of Mobility and Insecurity

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 268 p., hardback
54,00 €

Pastoral Morocco explores the mobility of people and livestock in the context of neo-liberal globalization. Mobility is defined as a strategy to maintain and enhance access to...

Series: Nomaden und Sesshafte Volume: 07
Prüch, Margarete; Kieser, Annette

Tradition und Wandel

Untersuchungen zu Gräberfeldern in der Westlichen Han-Zeit (206 v. Chr. bis 9 n. Chr.)

19.0 x 29.0 cm, 204 p., paperback / softback
69,00 €

Just before the unification of the Chinese empire by the first emperor Qin Shihuangdi (221 bis 210 BC) China is determined by the antagonism of the two culturally very different...

Editor: Zimmermann, Michael

Buddhism and Violence

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 254 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

One of the aims of this volume is to provide material, based on critical, unbiased research illustrating the fact that, at particular moments in their history and in certain...

Editor: Pflitsch, Andreas; Winckler, Barbara

Poetry’s Voice – Society’s Norms

Forms of Interaction between Middle Eastern Writers and their Societies

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 306 p., hardback
68,00 €

Literary works are much more than mere illustrations of societal conditions. Literature is the setting in which society discusses itself. In this volume, international scholars of...