
Leipert-Knaup, Nicole

Klare Kommunikation -

Ein Weg zu Gesundheit und Lebensfreude

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 184 p., 1 illustrations color, 1 illustrations b/w, paperback / softback
19,95 €

ISBN: 9783752006414
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Table of Contents

Short Description

This book aims to inspire people to achieve greater health and enjoyment of life through conscious and clear communication. It is an invitation to get to know yourself better and better and to recognise your own needs, feelings and thoughts. This opens up a view of possible courses of action and develops the ability to cope with painful experiences and achieve resilience. In addition to factual introductions, numerous practical examples and exercises help to set you on the path to greater health and joie de vivre.

Biographical Note

Nicole Leipert-Knaup, Heilpraktikerin und Trainerin für Gewaltfreie Kommunikation.

„Meine Vision ist, zu einer Welt beizutragen, in der die Menschen authentisch miteinander kommunizieren. Eine Welt, in der die Gesundheit und Lebensfreude der einzelnen Person sich auf gesunde Beziehungen, gesunde Gemeinschaften und eine gesunde Welt im Ganzen auswirken.“


Angewandte Psychologie (7) || Clinical psychology (144) || Creative therapy (eg art, music, drama) (135) || Kommunikation || Medical specialties, branches of medicine (145) || Occupational therapy (135) || Psychotherapeutische Medizin (3) || Psychotherapy (158) || Psychotherapy: general (121)