
Classical Archaeology

Results 141 - 160 of 216
Ehrhardt, Wolfgang

Dekorations- und Wohnkontext

Beseitigung, Restaurierung, Verschmelzung und Konservierung von Wandbemalungen in den kampanischen Antikenstätten

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 336 p., paperback / softback
39,00 €

In 1873 August Mau published his ground-breaking discovery that the wall paintings in the houses of Pompeii do not date back to the town’s last twenty or thirty years, before it...

Series: Palilia Volume: 26
Editor: Fischer, Thomas

Die Krise des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. und das Gallische Sonderreich

Akten des Interdisziplinären Kolloquiums Xanten 26. bis 28. Februar 2009

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 432 p., paperback / softback
39,90 €

The present volume is based on an interdisciplinary colloquium of the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne and the “Centre for Mediterranean Cultures”. The aim...

Schwarzmaier, Agnes

Die Masken aus der Nekropole von Lipari

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 256 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

In the necropolis of Lipari (Italy) a great amount of terracotta masks from the 4th and early 3rd century B. C. have been found –– an important local speciality. Their study as...

Series: Palilia Volume: 21
Tombrägel, Martin

Die republikanischen Otiumvillen von Tivoli

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 256 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

The territory of the rural Latin town of Tibur (Tivoli) constituted one of the most important sites of Roman villa culture in the Republican period. In the summertime, Roman...

Series: Palilia Volume: 25
Busch, Alexandra W.

Militär in Rom

Militärische und paramilitärische Einheiten im kaiserzeitlichen Stadtbild

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 184 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

In the Republican period Rome was considered a “demilitarised” zone. Under Augustus soldiers were stationed in the imperial capital for the first time, making a decisive turning...

Series: Palilia Volume: 20
Gehn, Ulrich

Ehrenstatuen in der Spätantike

Chlamydati und Togati

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 590 p., hardback
98,00 €

The book investigates the iconography and chronology of the late antique toga statue and the late antique Chlamys statue. Both types of honorific statuary can only be observed...

Von Sophie Helas in Zusammenarbeit mit Oliver Hofmeister, Antje Werner, Jürgen Schumann, Gabriel Zuchtriegel und Giuseppina Mammina

Selinus II

Die punische Stadt auf der Akropolis

24.5 x 34.0 cm, 370 p., cloth
98,00 €

In 409 BC, the Greek colonial town Selinous in Sicily was conquered by the Carthaginians and fell under Punic governance. Having primarily functioned as a military base during the...

Editor: Neudecker, Richard

Krise und Wandel

Süditalien im 4. und 3. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Internationaler Kongress anlässlich des 65. Geburtstages von Dieter Mertens

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 212 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

During the fourth and third centuries BC, Sicily and South Italy were the site of almost incessant conflicts between their indigenous peoples, Greek settlers, Punic colonists, and...

Series: Palilia Volume: 23
Lipps, Johannes

Die Basilica Aemilia am Forum Romanum

Der kaiserzeitliche Bau und seine Ornamentik

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 252 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

The Basilica Aemilia in the Forum Romanum is one of the most important buildings of ancient Rome due to its location, size and architecture. It is also especially well preserved...

Series: Palilia Volume: 24
Editor: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Madrid

Madrider Mitteilungen

19.0 x 25.5 cm, 604 p., cloth
98,00 €

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Clima y cambio cultural en el Valle del Ebro y Levante español. Paisajes de la...

Series: Madrider Mitteilungen Volume: 52
Von Klaus Müller mit Beiträgen von Valentin Kockel

Die Ehrenbögen in Pompeji

24.0 x 32.0 cm, 140 p., hardback
59,00 €

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Fünf Bogenbauten zieren als Ehrenmonumente zentral gelegene Plätze Pompejis. Seit langem sind sie bekannt und...

Series: Studien zur Antiken Stadt Volume: 10
Kögler, Patricia

Feinkeramik aus Knidos vom mittleren Hellenismus bis in die mittlere Kaiserzeit (ca. 200 v.Chr. bis 150 n.Chr.)

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 806 p., hardback
198,00 €

During the time of Hellenism and of the Empire, the ancient city of Knidos was one of the most important manufacturing centers of fine tableware in the eastern Mediterranean. To...

Editor: Krumeich, Ralf; Witschel, Christian

Die Akropolis von Athen im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit

Internationales Kolloquium vom 16. bis 17. Juni 2006 in Bonn

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 536 p., hardback
98,00 €

In the Hellenistic and particularly the Roman Imperial period the Acropolis of Athens embodied the greatness of the “polis” in Classical times and must to an extent have attained...

Editor: Kiderlen, Moritz; Themelis, Petros G.

Das Poseidonheiligtum bei Akovitika in Messenien

Struktur und Entwicklungszusammenhang eines regionalen Zentrums. Ergebnisse einer Notgrabung 1969 und einer Nachuntersuchung mit Prospektion 2005

22.5 x 31.5 cm, 256 p., hardback
128,00 €

Named after a suburb of the present city of Kalamata, the Poseidon sanctuary of Akovitika achieved considerable importance in the early Iron Age, even though it was surrounded by...

Editor: Bentz, Martin; Reusser, Christoph

Etruskisch-italische und römisch-republikanische Häuser

24.0 x 32.0 cm, 304 p., hardback
69,00 €

In contrast to the tombs and shrines, the pre-Roman houses of Italy have been poorly studied. Although Etruscan studies have for some time been concerned with living quarters of...

Series: Studien zur Antiken Stadt Volume: 9
Sievers, Susanne

Die Waffen aus dem Oppidum von Manching

22.5 x 31.0 cm, 182 p., cloth
68,00 €

The approximately 800 weapons fragments from the oppidum of Manching, which covers over 300 years of settlement history, found their way into the ground for many different...

Series: Die Ausgrabungen in Manching Volume: 17
Editor: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Madrid

Madrider Mitteilungen

19.0 x 25.5 cm, 596 p., cloth
98,00 €

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Das Projekt ›Sizandro und Alcabrichel. Zwei kupferzeitliche Siedlungskammern im Vergleich‹ (Torres...

Series: Madrider Mitteilungen Volume: 51
Bubenheimer-Erhart, Friederike

Die »ägyptische Grotte« von Vulci

Zum Beginn der Archäologie als wissenschaftliche Disziplin

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 184 p., paperback / softback
29,80 €

The Egyptian grotto, as the Isis-Tomb of Vulci was called when it was discovered in the nineteenth century, is one of the most prominent tombs of the orientalising period in...

Series: Palilia Volume: 22
Editor: Mann, Christian; Haake, Matthias; von den Hoff, Ralf

Rollenbilder in der athenischen Demokratie

Medien, Gruppen, Räume im politischen und sozialen System. Beiträge zu einem interdisziplinären Kolloqium in Freiburg i.Br., 24. bis 25. November 2006

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 224 p., hardback
59,00 €

This volume contains eight papers under a common focus: the complexity of image- and role- construction in classical Athens. The development of democracy came along with a growing...

Bujskich, Alla

Die antiken Architekturformen im nördlichen Schwarzmeergebiet

Herkunft und Entwicklung

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 336 p., hardback
78,00 €

The study investigates the appearance and further development of architectural orders in the major Greek colonies in the North Pontus, especially in the main cities Tyras, Olbia,...

Series: Archäologische Forschungen Volume: 26