
Herausgeber: Frohne-Hagemann, Isabelle

Receptive Music Therapy

Theory and Practice

17,0 x 24,0 cm, 332 S., 15 s/w Abb., Broschur
29,90 €

ISBN: 9783895005640

Kurze Beschreibung

Although listening to music in music therapy has a much longer tradition than active music therapy, receptive music therapy in European countries has been strongly neglected for many years. The German edition of this book, published in 2004, is the first to present the most important methods of receptive music therapy in one volume. This volume presents the English edition. 18 well-known European authors present forms of receptive music therapy, which focus on both theoretical and practical aspects. The spectrum of methods and clinical applications is broad: receptive music therapy as or in psychotherapy (f. ex. Guided Imagery and Music, Regulative Music Therapy, Integrative Music Therapy), as Sound Guided Trance, In Depth Relaxation Therapy, in Anthroposophic Music Therapy, etc. Various case studies of adolescent and adult patients illustrate how to work in different clinical contexts. Theoretical questions are discussed concerning topics such as music and (alterated states of) consciousness, music and emotion, music and imagery, music and developmental relationships and music and earliest childhood. This volume provides an extensive overview of Receptive Music Therapy in Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg.

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Although listening to music in music therapy has a much longer tradition than active music therapy, receptive music therapy in European countries has been strongly neglected for many years. The German edition of this book, published in 2004, is the first to present the most important methods of receptive music therapy in one volume. This volume presents the English edition. 18 well-known European authors present forms of receptive music therapy, which focus on both theoretical and practical aspects. The spectrum of methods and clinical applications is broad: receptive music therapy as or in psychotherapy (f. ex. Guided Imagery and Music, Regulative Music Therapy, Integrative Music Therapy), as Sound Guided Trance, In Depth Relaxation Therapy, in Anthroposophic Music Therapy, etc.. Various case studies of adolescent and adult patients illustrate how to work in different clinical contexts. Theoretical questions are discussed concerning topics such as music and (alterated states of) consciousness, music and emotion, music and imagery, music and developmental relationships and music and earliest childhood. This volume provides an extensive overview of Receptive Music Therapy in Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg and will provide new impulses for those music therapists and psychotherapists who because of language problems have not been able to follow these European developments in Receptive Music Therapy.

The authors of this book:
Monica Bissegger, Lars Ole Bonde, Hans Helmut Decker-Voigt, Jörg Fachner & Sabine Rittner, Isabelle Frohne-Hagemann, Edith Maria Geiger, Dag Körlin, Carola Maack, Susanne Metzner, Monika Nöcker-Ribaupierre, Helmut Röhrborn, Lony Schiltz, Andrea Schmucker, Christoph Schwabe, Birgit Süselbeck-Schulz, Rosemarie Tüpker, Thomas Wosch.


Monica Bissegger
teacher and Music Therapist (BVAKT). Trained in Anthroposophic Music Therapy at the Musiktherapeutische Arbeitsstätte e. V. in Berlin, Germany; Director: Maria Schüppel. Since 1990 Music Therapist in Filderklinik, Filderstadt, Germany. Guest Teacher in various music therapy training programs. Fields of experience include: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Gynaecology, Psychosomatics (children and adults), Intensive Care (children and adults) and Neonatology.

Lars Ole Bonde
PhD, is Associate Professor in Music Therapy at the Department of Communication and Psychology (Division of Music Therapy) at Aalborg University, Denmark. He holds a Masters Degree in Musicology and Scandinavian Literature and later trained as a music therapist (FAMI, MTL). As a researcher, he has specialized in the therapeutic understanding and analysis of music in music therapy (using Improvisation as well as pre-composed music) and in the phenomenology and hermeneutics of the musical experience. He is currently involved in cancer care projects, including the establishment of an international network for research in music therapy in oncology. He has published extensively and internationally in the fields of music therapy, music education and music theatre.

Hans-Helmut Decker-Voigt
Prof. Dr., M.A. (Expressive Therapy Lesley College/ Cambridge USA) was born in 1945. He is currently director of the Institute for Music Therapy at the "Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg", and honorary President of the "Weiterbildungsakademie für künstlerische Psychotherapien der Herbert von Karajan-Stiftung in Berlin". He is also Director of the Music Therapy Division of the Clinic "Gut Wienebüttel", an academic teaching Institution and part of the Institute at the Hamburg Hochschule. He is the author and publisher of 60 books an music therapy. In addition, he is the editor of the half-yearly publication, "Musik und Gesundsein" (Music and Being Healthy).

Jörg Fachner
Dr. rer medic. Dipl. Ped., is Senior Research Fellow and holds the Chair for Qualitative Research in Medicine at the University of Witten Herdecke in Germany. He is managing editor of the music therapy research and Service site: www.MusicTherapyWorld.net and editor of the E-Journal: www.MusicTherapyToday.com. Formerly, he worked as a research assistant in physiology, in sensory and movement research. He studied from the University in Dortmund. He holds a degree in social- and education science in Wuppertal and graduated as an educationalist in rehabilitation from the University in Dortmund). In 2001 he finished his doctoral thesis on music perception in an EEG investigation at the Chair for Qualitative Research in Medicine and has recently published a book on music and altered states. His research interests, publications and scientific memberships focus on qualitative research aspects of music, therapy and medicine and music physiology, as well as psychology, youth und pop culture, altered states of consciousness, transcultural psychiatry and anthropology of the body.

Isabelle Frohne-Hagemann
Dr. phil., born in 1947, Integrative Music therapist, licensed psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice in Berlin, GIM-Fellow (Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music Fellow ), Assistant Professor of Receptive Music Therapy and GIM at the "Institute of Music Therapy of the University of Music and Theatre in Hamburg"; former head of the study program "Integrative Music Therapy", training therapist and supervisor at the European Academy of Psychosocial Health and Promotion of Creativity (Fritz Perls Institute), Hückeswagen; Co-founder of the "Institut für Musik, Imagination und Therapie, Berlin (IMIT)", Member of the lectorial board of the "Music Therapy Annual" ed. by the "Berufsverband der Musiktherapeuten in Deutschland" (BVM), mumerous publications in the field of Music Therapy.

Edith Maria Geiger
Dipl. Music Therapist, licensed psychotherapist for children and adolescents, GIM-Fellow and Primary Trainer for GIM (AMI: Association for Music and Imagery ). Co-founder of the "Institut für Musik, Imagination und Therapie, Berlin (IMIT)"; GIM-training, private practice for music therapy and psychotherapy in Berlin, Germany.

Dag Körlin
MD, PhD, born in 1945, Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music Fellow. Recently defended his PhD thesis "Creative Arts Therapies in Psychiatrie Care" on BMGIM and the Spectrum Group Program described in this chapter (in this book, or in the corresponding chapter), certified psychotherapist.

Carola Maack
M.A., FAMI (Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery) Music Therapist, Psychotherapist and Supervisor in private practice, clinical emphasis on trauma therapy. Primary Trainer of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM). Lectureship at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt, Germany.

Susanne Metzner
Prof. Dr. sc. mus., born in 1958, Music Therapist, Social-pedagogue, Musician, registered Psychotherapist for children and Adolescents, Supervisor; clinical experiences in working with children, adolescents and handicapped people, with oncological and psychiatric patients; 1991-2002 taught at the Institute of Music Therapy at Hamburg University of Music and Theater, since 2001 Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal; Guest Teacher at Sejong University (Seoul), Temple University (Philadelphia), Aalborg PhD Programme (Denmark), Universität der Künste (Berlin); 1994-2003 President of the Professional Association of Music Therapists in Germany, since 2003 member of the scientific board of the Professional Association of Music Therapists in Germany; since 2003 co-founder and member of the scientific board of the "Magdeburger Akademie für praxisorientierte Psychotherapie" (training programs for psychotherapists).

Monika Nöcker-Ribaupierre
Dr. phil., Music Therapist, specializes in auditory Stimulation after premature birth, (NICU, University Children's Hospital and Harlaching Hospital, Munich/Germany), and music therapy with developmentally disabled children. She is chairperson of the postgraduate Music Therapy Training in Munich/Germany, lecturer at Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich, member of the International Society for Music and Medicine ISMM and of the Scientific Board of "Musiktherapeutische Umschau" and General Secretary of the EMTC (European Music Therapy Confederation). In 2004 she edited the book "Music Therapy for premature and Newborn Infants" (Barcelona Publ.)

Sabine Rittner
is a licensed Psychotherapist and Music Therapist at the University Hospital of Heidelberg, Department of Medical Psychology. She teaches medical students, nurses and doctors and works with outdoor psychotherapy clients, mostly psychosomatic, chronically ill and cancer patients. Specialist in the field of altered states of consciousness, she integrates Voice Therapy, Bodywork, Gestalt, Hypnotherapy (Milton Erickson) and Trauma Therapy in her work. Her research focus is the effects of the voice, of Sound and trance in psychotherapy and traditional healing rituals. Recent research projects: Brainmapping of trance states in a ritualistic therapy setting. And: Field research on the use of the voice in healing rituals of the Shipibo tribe in the peruvian amazon jungle. She is an internationally well known speaker, teacher and author.

Helmut Röhrborn
Dr. med., Department Head, consultant in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy/psychoanalysis, internist. Member of the scientific advisory board of the Journal "Musiktherapeutische Umschau". Main focus in music therapy: receptive and regulative music therapy by Schwabe.

Lony Schiltz
Dr. phil habil., doctor of clinical psychology, Music Therapist, Head of research projects at the Centre de Recherche Publique-Sante, Luxembourg, Head of studies of the post graduate Curriculum in arts therapies (Master of Science) at the University of Luxembourg.

Andrea Schmucker
Master's degree in Germanic studies, sociology and Romanic studies Teacher of Tal-Chl, Training in Body Therapy (Neo-Reich). Since 1996 working partnership with Wolfgang Strobel. Since 2000 active member of training team in Strobel's Institute for Music, Body and Trance Therapy.

Christoph Schwabe
Dr. phil. habil., University Lecturer, Teaching Music Therapist, Foundation, Development and Extension of an individual Concept of Music Therapy, without a one-sided association with any particular existing School of Psychotherapy. 1960-1980: Clinic for Nervous Diseases, University Leipzig. 1980-1992: Hochschule für Musik "Carl Maria von Weber" Dresden. 1992 he founded the Akademie für angewandte Musiktherapie Grossen in Bad Klosterlausnitz. Co-Founder of the "Deutschen Musiktherapeutischen Vereinigung Ost e.V.". Numerous publications in the field of Music Therapy. Editor of the book series, „Crossener Schriften zur Musiktherapie" (Writings an Music Therapy, Crossen).

Birgit Süselbeck-Schulz
Graduate in Integrative Music Therapy. Long experience as an intensive care nurse. Work as Music Therapist with coma patients. Natural practitioner (German: "Heilpraktiker") of classical homeopathy.

Rosemarie Tüpker
Priv. Doz. Dr. phil. Dipl. Music Therapist (BVM), Psychotherapist (HP), postdoctoral lecture qualification. Works as Music Therapist in psychosomatics, Since 1990 director of the diploma course in music therapy at the University of Münster, Germany. Co-Founder of the Institute for Music Therapy and Morphology (IMM) and the Society of Psychological Morphology (GPM). Main Research Focus: Morphological and psychoanalytical principals of music and music therapy, methodology of research, Improvisation, music and therapy with the elderly.

Thomas Wosch
Dr. phil. (PhD), born in 1966, MT-DMVO, Lecturer in music therapy at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Discussion Editor of www. voices.no, guest teacher at National University Zaporizhzhya/Ukraine (head of developing MA music therapy), German Academy of Developmental Rehabilitation Munich, Germany, and of the international PhD-program in music therapy at Aalborg University, Denmark; Research: microanalysis in music therapy, emotional processes, alexythymia effect research, E-learning, music therapy with the Grossen approach; focus of clinical practice: psychiatry; www.sgw.hs-magdeburg.de/musik/pages/team/wosch/wosch.html, co-founder of the music therapy program in Magdeburg / Germany.


Ergotherapie (135) || Klinische Psychologie (144) || Kreative Therapie (Kunst, Musik, Theater) (135) || Medizinische Spezialgebiete (145) || Musiktherapie (129) || Psychotherapie (158) || Psychotherapie, allgemein (121) || rezeptive Musiktherapie (3)