Das Athenaheiligtum von Priene
Die Nebenbauten – Altar, Halle und Propylon – und die bauliche Entwicklung des Heiligtums
21.0 x 29.7 cm, 472 p., 16 tables b/w, 173 illustrations b/w, 331 line drawings b/w, 6 maps, 170 Tafeln mit 173 s/w-Abb., 316 Strichzeichnungen, 6 Plänen, 9 Beilagen, 16 s/w Tabellen, hardback
ISBN: 9783895009242
21.0 x 29.7 cm, 472 p., 16 tables b/w, 173 illustrations b/w, 331 line drawings b/w, 6 maps, 170 Tafeln mit 173 s/w-Abb., 316 Strichzeichnungen, 6 Plänen, 9 Beilagen, 16 s/w Tabellen, hardback
88,00 €
ISBN: 9783895009242
Short Description
The sanctuary of Athena in the city of Priene represents the rare case of an exceptionally well preserved urban sanctuary of the Hellenistic period. This book deals with three of its principal structures: the altar, the stoa, and the propylon. It examines their associated architectural members, advances new reconstructions, and investigates structural developments, as well as changing architectural designs. It also offers a comprehensive chronological analysis of the sanctuary’s building complex, including a new reconstruction of the sanctuary’s earliest phase during the Late classical period. As a result, we can now trace the dynamic process of the sanctuary’s architectural development over a period of nearly 350 years.Description
Already during the 19th century, the sanctuary of Athena at Priene was excavated down to its Hellenistic levels. These early excavations exposed the entire site and brought to light a large number of architectural fragments. This book presents a new examination of the sanctuary’s architecture; it relies on the results of several years of field research, and it is the result of the author’s doctoral work at the Technical University of Munich (dissertation submitted in 2006). Primarily, this book relies on the methods of historical building research (Bauforschung), but it also includes the results of new archæological excavations carried out by others. The focus of the book is on three specific structures of the sanctuary, which include (in chronological order of construction) the monumental altar, the stoa, and the propylon; an assessment of the entire sanctuary concludes the book. In a separate monograph of the same series, Wolf Koenigs will publish the architecture of the sanctuary’s main building, the temple of Athena, which was designed by the famous architect Pytheus.This book offers a new and nearly complete architectural reconstruction of the sanctuary’s altar, stoa, and propylon. The evidence for this is twofold: first, a comprehensive and detailed architectural documentation of both the fragments surviving in situ and all other architectural members that can arguably be attributed to the different buildings; and second, the notes, sketches and photographs of the 19th century-researchers. A synthetic analysis of this data confirms and specifies older reconstructions. Moreover, it leads to entirely new insights on specific issues such as the construction process and its technical implementation, design changes during construction, construction phases, and later modifications. The analysis of the three structures also pays attention to aspects that are far beyond the individual object: processes of design and planning; the proportions of the buildings and their parts; metrology and the applied foot lengths; architectural refinements; the relation between the function and the appearance of the buildings; internal and external sight lines; comparisons with statements of Vitruvius; the development of Corinthian capitals in Hellenistic Asia Minor; and the specific characteristics of engaged columns.
Finally, the individual results are brought together to assess the structural development of the entire sanctuary, from the construction of the temple during the 4th century BC to the propylon, which is probably of Augustan date. As it turns out, the sanctuary’s monumental expansion did not follow a fixed master plan. Contrary to previous assumptions, it originally covered a relatively small area, which was gradually expanded until the 1st century BC. With each building project, the appearance and the layout of the sanctuary changed significantly; each construction phase reflects different conceptions of urban planning. This publication makes the architecture of the sanctuary of Athena accessible for various disciplines of classical studies, and it serves as a reference work for research on Hellenistic architecture.
Biographical Note
Born 1969 in Munich1990–1991 Studies of Social and Economical Geography and
1991–1998 Studies of Architecture at the Technical University of Munich with a focus on architectural history and art history;
1998–2000 Employed as architect, project management;
2000–2001 Travel grant of the German Archæological Institute (DAI);
2002 Scholarship of the Leopold-Werner-Stiftung;
2003–2005 Grant of the DAI for doctoral work;
2006 PhD at TU Munich (supervisor: Wolf Koenigs);
2006–2012 Research project: The architecture of the temple of Zeus at Olympia; additional research projects in Priene and Milet (Western Turkey);
October 2009–May 2010 Research fellow at the DAI in Berlin, division of building archæology;
Since November 2012 Research fellow at the Institut für Denkmalpflege und Bauforschung of the ETH Zurich. Research on the documentation and perception of ancient architectural polychromy in the 19th century.