Benkato, Adam
An edition and literary-critical study of the Manichaean-Sogdian Parable-Book
17,0 x 24,0 cm, 216 S., Leinen
79,00 €
This work is an edition and literary-critical study of a Manichaean text in Sogdian known as the Āzandnāmē, or Parable-Book. The first part is a new and expanded edition of the...
Reihe: Beiträge zur Iranistik
Band: 42
del Río Sánchez, Francisco
Catalogue des manuscrits de la fondation Georges et Mathilde Salem (Alep, Syrie)
17,0 x 24,0 cm, 352 S., Gebunden
98,00 €
The library of the George & Mathilde Salem Foundation (Aleppo, Syria) is one of the most important private collections of manuscripts in the Syrian Arab Republic. It contains 547...
Reihe: Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients
Band: 16