
Theological Studies

Results 1 - 20 of 66
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Schubert, Martin


Das Textkorpus ‚Reinmar von Zweter‘ und seine Wandlungen in Überlieferung und Rezeption

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 660 p., cloth
129,00 €

Reinmar von Zweter is the most important Sangspruch poet between Walther von der Vogelweide and Frauenlob. Within German poetry of the time, the transmission of his works is...

Editor: Brunner, Horst; Klein, Dorothea

Der Wilde Alexander

Melodien, Texte, Übersetzungen, Kommentar

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 180 p., cloth
69,00 €

The poet known in tradition as Master Alexander or Wild Alexander was probably active from around 1250 as the author of minstrel songs, sacred songs, chants and a Minneleich. He...

In Verbindung mit Ingrid Bennewitz und Freimut Löser Hg. von Jens Haustein und Dorothea Klein

Spielformen des Lyrischen im späten Mittelalter

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 460 p., cloth
119,00 €

The contributions in this anthology shed light on the thematic and poetic diversity of lyrical speech in the German late Middle Ages. The focus is on the productive engagement...

Mildner, Manuel

Der Tannhäuser

Untersuchungen zur Selbstbezüglichkeit seiner Lyrik und kommentierte Neuedition

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 333 p., cloth
110,00 €

Tannhäuser has established a very unique profile as an author of 13th century medieval German literature. Not only did he experiment with literary genres and test their limits;...

Manuwald, Henrike

Das Andachtsbüchlein aus der Sammlung Bouhier

(Montpellier, Bibliothèque Universitaire Historique de Médecine, H 396) Studie und kommentierte Edition

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 550 p., cloth
129,00 €

This small-size manuscript, probably produced in the second quarter of the fourteenth century in eastern central Germany, is here studied in depth for the first time. The...

Sörries, Reiner

Die liturgischen Orte im Wandel der Zeit

Taufe – Beichte – Abendmahl – Predigt

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 320 p., paperback / softback
49,00 €

From antiquity to the present, the theological and art-historical development of the places where the sacraments of baptism, confession and the Lord's Supper are administered and...

Editor: Lutz, Eckart Conrad; Putzo, Christine; Eichenberger, Nicole

Bücher und Identitäten

Literarische Reproduktionskulturen der Vormoderne. Überstorfer Colloquium 2016

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 460 p., cloth
129,00 €

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Das Format der Literatur, ihre materielle und mediale Erscheinung im handgeschriebenen Codex oder im gedruckten...

Editor: Uhlig, Marion; Rohde, Martin
In cooperation with: Barbieri, Luca; Quarroz, Pauline

Belles Lettres. Les figures de l’écrit au Moyen Âge / Figurationen des Schreibens im Mittelalter

Colloque fribourgeois 2017

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 370 p., cloth
110,00 €

The publication is the result of the Freiburg Colloquium 2017 on the topic "Belles Lettres. Figurationen des Schreibens im Mittelalter". The publication deals with the various...

Series: Scrinium Friburgense Volume: 44
Editor: Wetzel, René; Wuidar, Laurence
In cooperation with: Wimmer, Katharina

Mystique, langage, musique : dire l’indicible au Moyen Âge

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 328 p., cloth
89,00 €

Music has long since occupied a privileged place in mystical tradition: chants induce ecstasy, visions are accompanied by auditory perception, and above all the mystical...

Series: Scrinium Friburgense Volume: 43
Schröter, Ulrich

Biblisches Hebräisch

Textorientiertes Lehrbuch

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 388 p., paperback / softback
49,00 €

Part I presents at an very early stage a wide choice of proverbs and texts. The first emphases stimulates the fluency of reading, because if you readi a text again and again you...

Schröter, Ulrich

Biblisches Hebräisch


17.0 x 24.0 cm, 132 p., paperback / softback
15,90 €

Students often mourn complain about the unfamilianrity of semitic languages. This key vocabulary of about 900 words contains– names and places are not included – will overcome...

Wulfert, Heiko

Geschichte des frühen Christentums heute

Traditionen - Hintergründe - Aktuelle Fragen

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 336 p., hardback
29,90 €

The basic decisions which were taken in the time of the early Christianity determine the history of the church up to the presence. Duty of this book is it, in narrative technique,...

Sörries, Reiner

Christliche Archäologie compact

Ein topographischer Überblick. Europa – Asien – Afrika

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 502 p., hardback
98,00 €

“Christian archaeology compact” is the first overview of the whole of the archaeological places and certifications of this discipline. The framework extends geographically from...

Klein, Almuth

Funktion und Nutzung der Krypta im Mittelalter

Heiligsprechung und Heiligenverehrung am Beispiel Italien

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 288 p., hardback
68,00 €

Under the lasting influence of romantic-mystic views of the 19th and 20th century the function of a crypt within the structure of a church is still a matter of false...

del Río Sánchez, Francisco

Catalogue des manuscrits de la fondation Georges et Mathilde Salem (Alep, Syrie)

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 352 p., hardback
98,00 €

The library of the George & Mathilde Salem Foundation (Aleppo, Syria) is one of the most important private collections of manuscripts in the Syrian Arab Republic. It contains 547...

Editor: Seeliger, Hans Reinhard
Revised by: Krumeich, Kirsten

Archäologie der antiken Bischofssitze I

Spätantike Bischofssitze Ägyptens

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 176 p., hardback
49,00 €

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Mehr als einhundert Bischofssitze sind in Ägypten gegen Ende der Spätantike historisch bezeugt. Doch welche...

Mentré, Mireille
Translated by: Sitzmann, Waltraut

Spanische Buchmalerei des Mittelalters

227.0 x 300.0 cm, 320 p., hard cover with dust jacket
78,00 €

The unique historical conditions of Christian Spain under Arab reign around the year 1000 are the background for a special development in the arts of the region. This Mozarabic...

Editor: Nauerth, Claudia; Altripp, Michael

Architektur und Liturgie

Akten des Kolloquiums vom 25. bis 27. Juli 2003 in Greifswald

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 348 p., hardback
98,00 €

This book unites most of the papers which were held during the colloquium „Architecture and Liturgy“ in Greifswald in 2003. The articles are dealing with the relationship of...

Sörries, Reiner

Daniel in der Löwengrube

Zur Gesetzmäßigkeit frühchristlicher Ikonographie

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 244 p., hardback
72,00 €

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Dies ist die erste Monographie zum frühchristlichen „Daniel in der Löwengrube“, eines der am häufigsten...

Berschin, Walter

Eremus und Insula

St. Gallen und die Reichenau im Mittelalter – Modell einer lateinischen Literaturlandschaft

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 176 p., paperback / softback
24,90 €

This book is a comparative literary history of the two monasteries St. Gall (Eremus) and Reichenau (Insula). Many examples show that the spirit of competition was decisive for the...

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