L’auteur dans ses livres: autorité et matérialité dans les littératures romanes du Moyen Âge
Product Available Date 2024-12-17What does the term author mean in the Romance literatures of the Middle Ages? What is its role in structuring the collection of texts attributed to it? Do the medieval written...
Neue Gesetze für ein besseres Leben?
Überlegungen zu Praktiken und Theorien der Gesetzgebung im Mittelalter
The book deals with the practices and authorisations of legislation in the Middle Ages. Laws laid down norms, but they were also subject to norms. These were not only based on...
Paradigmen und Perspektiven einer Mediävistischen Komparatistik
Freiburger Colloquium 2021
The publication presents the results of the interdisciplinary Freiburg Colloquium 2021 (Université de Fribourg, Switzerland) "Paradigms and Perspectives of Comparative Medieval...
„Mio corpo venga sepolto in terra sancta“ - Genese und Verbreitung eines Wunderberichts des 13. Jahrhunderts
Die Blutacker in Jerusalem, der Heilige Acker in Akkon und der Camposanto zu Pisa
The book is about the emergence and spread of the miracle report about a supernaturally rapid decomposition of corpses at specific burial sites, so-called holy fields (Campus...
In cooperation with: Brusa, Julia; Gisselbaek, Robert; Pinieri, Mirko
Mystique, langage, image : montrer l’invisible Mystik, Sprache, Bild: Die Visualisierung des Unsichtbaren
The experience of transcendence, especially when it concerns the direct encounter with God, exceeds every human possibility of expression. Only pictorial expression is able to...
Vernunft jetzt!
Eine Annhäherung an Kant
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Diese Schrift enthält einen fiktiven Dialog zwischen zwei Personen unterschiedlichen Alters. Sie wollen über...
Bücher und Identitäten
Literarische Reproduktionskulturen der Vormoderne. Überstorfer Colloquium 2016
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Das Format der Literatur, ihre materielle und mediale Erscheinung im handgeschriebenen Codex oder im gedruckten...
In cooperation with: Barbieri, Luca; Quarroz, Pauline
Belles Lettres. Les figures de l’écrit au Moyen Âge / Figurationen des Schreibens im Mittelalter
Colloque fribourgeois 2017
The publication is the result of the Freiburg Colloquium 2017 on the topic "Belles Lettres. Figurationen des Schreibens im Mittelalter". The publication deals with the various...
Das dynamische Sein bei Nicolaus Cusanus
Ein Beitrag zur Begriffsgeschichte der dynamischen Ontologie
Esse est movere - to be is to move. Contrary to our static notions of medieval philosophy, Nicolaus Cusanus in the 15th century sketches a dynamic view of the world in which...
In cooperation with: Wimmer, Katharina
Mystique, langage, musique : dire l’indicible au Moyen Âge
Music has long since occupied a privileged place in mystical tradition: chants induce ecstasy, visions are accompanied by auditory perception, and above all the mystical...
Von Karma und Wiedergeburt
Sutra stories tell the reader something about the results of good and bad deeds in a detailed and illustrative manner. A pleasant current state of existence is explained as the...
Buddhistische Fabeln
Still hören ist besser als laut zu beten
„Listening still is better than praying loudly“ contains 171 parables and allegories stemming from the Buddhist traditions of China and India. Chinese Buddhist prose conveys...
Translated by: Friebe, Karl Reinhard
Die Krise der technologischen Zivilisation und die asiatische Antwort
Ynhui Park diagnoses an unprecedented crisis of the global civilization which threatens the very survival of the world and of mankind. This crisis cannot be understood without...
Utilidad y decoro
Zeremoniell und symbolische Kommunikation in den „Leges Palatinae“ König Jacobs III. von Mallorca (1337)
The theme of the conference proceedings is the question, whether in the 14th century in one of the Catalan kingdoms there has been a first European ceremony or whether it is a...
Frühe Quellen zum buddhistischen Stufenweg in Tibet
Indische und tibetische Traditionen im »dPe chos« des Po-to-ba Rin-chen-gsal
During the 11th and 12th centuries, Tibetan culture underwent fundamental changes. It was during this period that Buddhism became firmly rooted on the Tibetan plateau and its...
Buddhism and Buddhist Literature of South-East Asia
Selected Papers ed. by Claudio Cicuzza
The twelve essays in this volume survey aspects of Buddhism and Buddhist literature in pre-modern South-East Asia and Thailand, drawing on Pali and vernacular texts, liturgy, and...
Red mda' ba. Buddhist Yogi-Scholar of the Fourteenth Century
The Forgotten Reviver of Madhyamaka Philosophy in Tibet
Red mda’ ba gZhon nu blo gros (1348-1412) played a pivotal role in the history of Tibetan Buddhists' engagement with Indian Madhyamaka, especially with regard to Candrakirti's...
Wege zum Lebenssinn
Religiöse und philosophische Orientierung in Zeiten lebensbedrohlicher Krankheit. Für Betroffene und Angehörige
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Im Mittelpunkt dieses Bandes stehen verschiedene religiöse und philosophische Sichtweisen. Sie geben Anregungen...
»Gnomica Democritea«
Studien zur gnomologischen Überlieferung der Ethik Demokrits und zum Corpus Parisinum mit einer Edition der »Democritea« des Corpus Parisinum
The book “Gnomica Democritea” takes a panoramic view of the fate of Democritus’ ethics by establishing a connection between the lost body of works on ethics and the “gnomological”...
Buddhism and Violence
One of the aims of this volume is to provide material, based on critical, unbiased research illustrating the fact that, at particular moments in their history and in certain...