Ehrhardt, Norbert
Ehrhardt, Norbert; Jeske, Olivia; Kaiser, Ivonne; Lölhöffel, Karoline; von Miller, Alexandra; Reichardt, Bettina
Editor: Bumke, Helga
Editor: Bumke, Helga
Der archaische Heiligtumsbefund vom Taxiarchis-Hügel in Didyma
Teilband 2: Das Fundmaterial aus den archaischen Kontexten des Taxiarchis-Hügels, Teil 1
21.0 x 29.7 cm, 1380 p., hardback
198,00 €
The ›Taxiarchis Hill‹ in Didyma is the site of largely undisturbed features of votive offerings and other finds from an Archaic sanctuary. They were deposited on the hill in...
Series: Didyma
Volume: III. 6 Teilband: 2