Frohne-Hagemann, Isabelle
Guided Imagery and Music - Konzepte und klinische Anwendungen
Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) - Concepts and clinical Applications, ed. by Isabelle Frohne-Hagemann deals with the more recent developments in Germany of this psycho- and music...
Receptive Music Therapy
Theory and Practice
Although listening to music in music therapy has a much longer tradition than active music therapy, receptive music therapy in European countries has been strongly neglected for...
Rezeptive Musiktherapie
Theorie und Praxis
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Im Gegensatz zur aktiven Musiktherapie, bei der Patienten selbst auf Instrumenten spielen, wurde die rezeptive...
Fenster zur Musiktherapie
Musik-therapie-theorie 1976 bis 2001
“Windows to music therapy” open a view on a broad variety of fundamental music therapy questions. The spectrum ranges from metatheoretical reflections to specific indication and...