
Editors: Schenk, Margrit; Löhr, Richard

Musiktherapie in der Palliativ- und Hospiz-Arbeit

21. Musiktherapietagung am Freien Musikzentrum München e. V. (2. bis 3. März 2013)

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 56 p., 5 illustrations b/w, paperback / softback
18,00 €

ISBN: 9783895009884
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Table of Contents

Short Description

Papers from current music therapy work in palliative and hospice work


A hospital team of nurses, doctors and therapists is working together to provide the best possible care for the terminally ill patients whose progressive, late-stage illnesses are no longer susceptible to curative treatment. The aim of palliative medicine is to preserve qualitiy of living through optimised pain management and control of symptoms. Hospices allow patients to die in dignity. Both institutions allow for the, often processual, use of music and music therapy to support and comfort patients.
This volume demonstrates current research approaches and gives and overview of support through music therapy in both areas. The theme of dying and grieving is approached through texts about inner and outer attitudes, mindfulness and the supportive use of music as well as the wholesome atmosphere created with its help in listening to and empathising with terminally ill patients.

Biographical Note

Dr. sc.mus. Barbara Dehm-Gauwerky, dipl.music therapist, dipl. pianist, teacher in music therapy (DMtG), supervisor in several institutions, outpatient treatment, grounding member of NAPP, member of the working group ‘psychoanalysis an culture theory’, several publications about ‘scenic understanding of the process of dying’ and intercultural music therapy, lectures in different connections.


Clinical psychology (140) || Creative therapy (eg art, music, drama) (132) || Medical specialties, branches of medicine (141) || Musiktherapie (125) || Nursing || Nursing specialties || Occupational therapy (132) || Psychotherapy (154) || Sociology (21) || Sociology & anthropology (108) || Sociology: death & dying (3) || Terminal care nursing || palliative Behandlung (2)