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Reissner, Johannes; Birken, Andreas

South-Arabia during the colonial period

B X 6 Südarabien während der Kolonialzeit. 1 : 3 Mio. B X 7 Die Emirate am Arabischen/Persischen Golf. 1 : 2 Mio.

72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 sheet, sheet map, flat
mapscale 1 : 3 Mio.
15,00 €

ISBN: 9783882269048


16th century, c 1500 to c 1599 (151) || 17th century, c 1600 to c 1699 (110) || 18th century, c 1700 to c 1799 (51) || 19th century, c 1800 to c 1899 (66) || 20th century, c 1900 to c 1999 (84) || Arabian peninsula (61) || Arabien (16) || Early 20th century c 1900 to c 1950 (30) || Geographical maps (specialist) (297) || Geographical reference works (435) || Geography (512) || Historical geography (231) || History (838) || History: specific events & topics (291) || Neue Geschichte (7) || Südarabien (4) || United Arab Emirates (4) || Yemen (36)