19th century, c 1800 to c 1899
Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie
Jahrbuch der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Vol. 9. Spaces and Frontiers of Islamic Art and Archaeology
The concepts of frontier, boundary, and border, and consequently of spaces and regions they delimit, have left a persistent mark on the perception of geography, whether expounded...
Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie
Jahrbuch der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Vol. 8
Volume 8 of the Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie, edited by Markus Ritter and Nourane Ben Azzouna, with Sabiha Göloğlu, presents fresh research from the Ernst...
Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie
Jahrbuch der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Vol. 7
Volume 7 of "Beiträge zur Islamische Kunst und Archäologie" (BIKA) brings together contributions from the 10th and 12th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society. It focuses on...
Emil Alexander Hopfgarten
zum 200. Geburtstag
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Die Autorin Felicitas Reusch ist auf die Spurensuche des 1821 in Berlin geborenen Bildhauers Emil Alexander...
Editor: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Rheingauer Heimatforschung e.V
Der Rheingau von Wiesbaden bis Lorch im 19. Jahrhundert
Zeichnungen von Carl Theodor Reiffenstein (1820–1893) aus dem Städel
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Carl Theodor Reiffenstein (1820-1893) war ein Frankfurter Architektur- und Landschaftsmaler der Romantik. Seine...
Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie
Jahrbuch der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Vol. 6, Encompassing the Sacred in Islamic Art
To what extent has Islam as a religion shaped the art and material culture of the Middle East and North Africa? How is Islamic religion, in turn, informed by art and material...
Reise durch Nubien – Fotos einer Expedition um 1900
Travels in Nubia – Photographs of an expedition around 1900
Nubia around 1900, sunken worlds on rediscovered photographs from the Egyptian Museum Berlin; in the course of indexing the museum's photographic archive, 340 photographs from an...
Shepheard’s of Cairo
The Birth of the Oriental Grand Hotel
The book provides a comprehensive survey and analysis of the art, architecture and design of the legendary Shepheard’s Hotel of Cairo. Until recently, there had been little...
Der hygienische Imperativ
Gesundheitsversorgung und -aufklärung der Muslime des ausgehenden Zarenreichs (1864-1917)
The attempt to establish a health system on the basis of modern European scientific medical standards meant a great adaptation challenge for the traditional people in the Russian...
Geschichte des Archäologischen Museums der Universität Jena 1846-1962
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Das 1846 auf Initiative des Jenaer Professors Carl Wilhelm Goettling gegründete Archäologische Museum der...
Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie
Jahrbuch der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Band 5
Geographically spanning from Spain to Central Asia, the themes included in the fifth volume of Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie encompass architecture, archaeology,...
Composer: Reichardt, Louise
Sechs geistliche Lieder
für 2 Sopran- und 2 Alt-Stimmen
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Louise Reichardt wurde am 11. April 1779 in Berlin geboren und starb am 17. November 1826 in Hamburg. Ihr...
Nomad Military Power in Iran and Adjacent Areas in the Islamic Period
The papers in this anthology shed light on the political and military role and importance of nomadic groups in Iran and adjacent areas, using historical case studies that cover...
Straßen von der Frühgeschichte bis in die Moderne
Verkehrswege – Kulturträger – Lebensraum
Roads have been the key for the development of land and the exchange of goods and knowledge since antiquity. Connecting regions, peoples and cultures, roads have supported social...
Medialität und Raum in der Moderne
In this volume, whose authors explore conceptions of space from the 18th to the 20th century, focusing on the role of the body and the senses as well as the importance of the...
Editor: Newid, Mehr Ali; Mumm, Peter-Arnold
Nachtigallen an Gottes Thron
Studien zur persischen Dichtung
To date, only a few pioneers have made classical Persian poetry and philosophy accessible to the occidental eye. During the 17th and 18th centuries, influential travellers brought...
The Life of the Buddha
Buddhist and Saiva Iconography and Visual Narratives in Artists’ Sketchbooks from Nepal
This book describes, analyses and reproduce line drawings from two manuscripts and a related section from a third manuscript. These are:
1. Manuscript M.82.169.2, preserved in...
»... über jeden Ausdruck erhaben und schön«. Die Schweizer Reise der Familie Mendelssohn 1822
Mit Briefen der Tochter Fanny, Zeichnungen und Tagebuchauszügen
The journey of several months of the Berlin banker Abraham Mendelssohn has been described in letters by his daughter Fanny, which are published here based on a critical study of...
Weise Frauen und geheimnisvolle Zeichen
Texte zum Volksglauben in Georgien
This volume is the first attempt to present omen and taboo texts from Georgia in a structured form, and to make this type of traditional culture accessible for systematic...
Westcar on the Nile
A journey through Egypt in the 1820s
On November 6, 1823, four Englishmen disembarked in the harbour of Alexandria. In the succeeding ten months, they traveled up the Nile as far as the Second Cataract and, in the...