Fuente Álamo
Die Grabungen am Südhang der bronzezeitlichen Höhensiedlung. Die El Argar-Zeit
Distinguished works on the excavation in Fuente Álamo (1977–1999) have been published as „Fuente Álamo Part 1 to 4“. These were concerned with the course of the excavation, the...
Munyat ar-Rummaniya
Die Gartenanlagen
In the country estate of ar-Rummānīya near Córdoba (Spain) the remains of an Islamic garden of the 10th century are preserved on three terraces. This book presents the results of...
Munyat ar-Rummaniya
Ein islamischer Landsitz bei Córdoba. Teil 1 Palastanlagen
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Erstmals werden die archäologischen Überreste einer Landvilla aus der Glanzzeit des islamischen Córdoba...
Mulva V
Die vormunizipale Besiedlung von Munigua
Munigua, in the province of Sevilla, Spain, was populated from the 4th century BC until the 4th century AD and has been a field of archaeological research for many years. This...
Der islamische Palast auf der Alcazaba von Almeria
In the Eleventh Century the Alcazaba of Almería served as the residence of an Islamic ruler. Based on a comprehensive documentation of the architectural remains and fragments of...