
Im Auftrag des Deutschen Archäologischen Instiututs Rom herausgegeben von Michael Heinzelmann, Jacopo Ortalli, Peter Fasold und Marion Witteyer

Römischer Bestattungsbrauch und Beigabensitten

in Rom, Norditalien und den Nordwestprovinzen von der späten Republik bis in die Kaiserzeit.Internationales Kolloquium, Rom vom 1. bis 3. April 1998

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 364 p., 245 illustrations b/w, paperback / softback
45,00 €

ISBN: 9783895000775

Short Description

A society’s way of treating its dead, which can be observed archaeologically in burial usages and customs concerning grave goods, allows important conclusions to be drawn with regard to its social structure and values. A colloquium dedicated to this subject was held at the DAI in 1998. At the same time the volume also gives an overview of the present status of research on the cemeteries of Rome, Ostia and Pozzuoli on the basis of new investigations and the results of excavations. Another point of interest to the colloquium consists of the question of which specific elements of the roman burial customs reached the northwestern provinces of the empire by way of the Po Valley and how this furthers our understanding of the problem of the process of Romanisation.

Series Description

With PALILIA, the German Archaeological Institute of Rome introduces a new series of publications, primarily monographs on archaeological research done in or starting from Italy. The series will deal with new approaches and innovative research methods, and subjects neglected in classical archaeology. The subject range includes central archaeological research areas, such as Graeco-Roman sculpture, iconography, architecture, urban research, and topographic studies, as well as topics from social and economic history, history of religion and of everyday life.


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