
Von Sophie Helas in Zusammenarbeit mit Oliver Hofmeister, Antje Werner, Jürgen Schumann, Gabriel Zuchtriegel und Giuseppina Mammina

Selinus II

Die punische Stadt auf der Akropolis

24.5 x 34.0 cm, 370 p., 10 tables b/w, 202 illustrations b/w, 202 line drawings b/w, 22 diagrams, 6 maps, 75 illustrations, 9 illustrations color, 75 Pläne und 6 Faltkarten als Beilage, cloth
98,00 €

ISBN: 9783895007088
Table of Contents

Short Description

In 409 BC, the Greek colonial town Selinous in Sicily was conquered by the Carthaginians and fell under Punic governance. Having primarily functioned as a military base during the decades following the conquest, Selinunt began to flourish once again towards the end of the fourth century. The reconstruction, as characteristic changes in town planning, housing and building technologies illustrate, was oriented towards Punic tradition in contrast to the original Greek town.
In this study, the residential development in Punic Selinunt in the fourth and third centuries BC is presented comprehensively for the first time and re-evaluated with regard to acculturation; this includes an analysis of individual features with regard to their orientation towards either Greek or Punic tradition. This relation presents the Hellenization of Punic culture in a fresh light.


The ancient city of Selinous on Sicily is known for its magnificent temples and impressive city walls (published in the first volume of the Selinous series) from the Greek period. The ruins from the period of the Punics have been noted to a lesser degree. Selinous, which was founded in the 7th cent. BC by Greek colonists, had developed into a flourishing town, when it was conquered by the Carthagians and heavily destroyed in 409 BC. The second volume of the Selinous series deals with the Punic period of the history of the town, focusing on the years between the Greek period of glory and the abandonment of the settlement in 250 BC.
The comprehensive publication on the Punic remains adds immensely on the knowledge of Punic Selinous. On the basis of a detailed map of the acropolis, Sophie Helas analyses the living quarters and their uraban context (stoa with shops, sanctuaries, 'official' buildings). More than 60 buildings are published for the first time with new plans and reconstructions. Therefore the publication makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the Punic living environment in the western Mediterranean. A synthetic part is followed by detailed catalogues of the houses and their equipment, digressions by architects as well as a presentation of the excavation results of the Punic layers.
The author is always concerned to imbed and analyse the cultural elements. The potential of Selinous regarding questions of acculturation is especially important. The new settlers, who occupied the ruins of the Greek city in the last third of the 4th cent. BC, differed from the former inhabitants markedly: Writing and material culture are related to the Phoenician-Punic cities of the western Mediterranean, especially to Carthage. The change of the appearance of the city and of the houses results out of the necessities and ideals of the new settlers. The publication ends with a detailed analysis of the degree, dimension and time of the Hellenisation of the Punic architecture.
The volume is supplied with a detailed Italian summary.

Biographical Note

Sophie Helas

- Jahrgang 1969
- Studium der Klassischen Archäologie, Alten Geschichte und Italienischen Romanistik in Köln und Heidelberg
- 1999 Dissertation in Klassischer Archäologie in Köln
- 2000/2001 Reisestipendium des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
- wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Gießen (1999-2001), am Deutschen Archäologischen Institut der Abteilung Rom (2002-2008) und an der Universität Bonn (seit 2010).
- Forschungschwerpunkt: Urbanistik

Series Description

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Seit 1973 erscheinen in der renommierten Reihe „Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Rom“ Monographien zu bedeutenden Forschungen in Italien und Nordafrika. In Vorbereitung sind Studien zu herausragenden Bauten der griechisch-römischen Antike wie dem Poseidontempel in Paestum, den Befestigungen des antiken Syrakus oder dem Kolosseum in Rom.


Alte Geschichte (86) || Altertumswissenschaften (135) || Ancient history (97) || Archaeology (541) || Architecture (167) || Architecture: residential buildings, domestic buildings (28) || City & town planning: architectural aspects (25) || History (842) || Italy (86) || Klassische Archäologie (47) || Landscape archaeology (125) || Landscape architecture & design (42) || Sicily (13) || Southern Europe (82) || Trapani