
Park, Ynhui

Translated by: Friebe, Karl Reinhard

Die Krise der technologischen Zivilisation und die asiatische Antwort

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 56 p., paperback / softback
15,00 €

ISBN: 9783895009495
Table of Contents

Short Description

Ynhui Park diagnoses an unprecedented crisis of the global civilization which threatens the very survival of the world and of mankind. This crisis cannot be understood without industrialization, scientific technology, western rationality and dualistic ontology
The Asian response in face of this crisis consists in a Copernican revolution from dualistic to monistic ontology and from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism. Eastern and western ways of thinking must cooperate to overcome the crisis in a new age.


Ynhui Park diagnoses an unprecedented crisis of the global civilization. This crisis is obvious in all fields of thought, life and politics. Extinction of the world and of mankind become possible by the destruction of the environment and by atomic arms. This crisis cannot be understood without scientific technology, western rationality und the underlying dualistic ontology.
In face of this crisis of civilization we have no option but to overcome it. A return to pre-industrial ages is not possible, it is not desirable and not necessary. The means to overcome the crisis are to be found in the “Asian Response, that is in Asian philosophy. Here Park explains the fundamental characteristics of Asian philosophy. namely of Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism. He proclaims a Copernican revolution of thought and action, a turn from dualistic ontology to Asian monistic ontology and from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism. As a consequence, man is no longer in opposition to nature and there is no justification for the exploitation of nature for human purposes. He is rather an integral part of nature, and he has to protect and to preserve nature and thus finally assure the continuation of his own species.
This way of thinking is not in opposition to technological civilization and to the western way of thinking. In face of the crisis eastern and western thought have the obligation to cooperate. Thus it will be possible to overcome the crisis in by new way of thinking and in a new age.

Biographical Note

Ynhui Park
wurde 1930 in Korea geboren, wo er auch unter dem Schriftstellerpseudonym Yeemun Park bekannt ist. Nach dem Sekundarschulabschluss studierte er zunächst französische Literatur an der Seoul National University. 1964 erwarb er einen Doktorgrad in französischer Literatur an der Sorbonne (Paris), und 1970 wurde er an der University of Southern California (Los Angeles) zum Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) im Fach Philosophie promoviert. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an war er an verschiedenen Universitäten als Gastprofessor im Fach Philosophie tätig. Unter anderem in Mainz, Tokio und Seoul. Ynhui Park ist der Verfasser von mehr als 50 Buchveröffentlichungen (darunter 5 Gedichtbände) in koreanischer, englischer und französischer Sprache.


Anthropozentrismus || Asia (21) || Asiatische Antwort || Buddha (2) || China (47) || Cultural & media studies (309) || Cultural studies (291) || Dualismus || Futurologie || Interkulturalität (4) || Japan (3) || Konfuzianische Tugende || Konfuzius || Korea (2) || Krise (3) || Kultur (50) || Kulturkritik || Laotse || Monismus || Ontologie || Philosophy (41) || Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology (3) || Praktische Philosophie || Science: general issues (6) || Social & political philosophy || Society & culture: general (415) || Tao || Taoteking || Technologische Zivilisation || Topics in philosophy (13) || Wissenschaftskritik || Zukunft || asiatische Metaphisik || moderne Wissenschaft || Ökologie (3) || Ökozentrismus