Tradition and Identity: The Architecture of Greek Churches in Cyprus (14th to 16th Centuries)
This first study of the late medieval Greek churches in Cyprus investigates over 300 buildings. It addresses the historical and artistic context of these churches, the first part...
Editor: von Wartburg, Marie-Louise
Nordost-Tor und persische Belagerungsrampe in Alt-Paphos
IV. Skulpturen, Votivmonumente und Bauteile in der Belagerungsrampe
For the history and archaeology of the city of Palaipaphos (Old Paphos) on Cyprus, the Persian siege ramp at the Northeast Gate on the Marcello plateau is of immense interest....
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst. Bestandskataloge
Band 3: Spätantike, byzantinische und postbyzantinische Keramik
The Museum of Byzantine Art in the Bode Museum in Berlin is in the possession of over 1300 Byzantine clay vessels, and others made in the Byzantine tradition, dating from the 4th...
Editor: Maran, Joseph
Baubefunde und Stratigraphie der Unterburg und des nordwestlichen Stadtgebiets (Kampagnen 1976 bis 1983)
Teil 3: Die ausgehende Palastzeit (SH III B2) und die mykenische Nachpalastzeit (SH III C). Dokumentation zu den Bänden XVII.1 und 2
The lower citadel of Tiryns is a unique finding of settlements from the Mycenean late palatial and post-palatial periods. It was excavated between 1976 and 1983 under the conduct...
Editor: Maran, Joseph
Baubefunde und Stratigraphie der Unterburg und des nordwestlichen Stadtgebiets (Kampagnen 1976 bis 1983)
Teil 2: Die mykenische Nachpalastzeit (SH III C). Text
The excavations by Klaus Kilian in the Lower Citadel of Tiryns between 1976 and 1983 brought to light one of the most important settlements of the Mycenaean postpalatial period...