An Analytical Bibliography of New Iranian Languages and Dialects
Based on Persian publications since ca. 1980
This bibliography is a collection of ca. 3,600 publications on new West Iranian languages and dialects (except Persian) that have been published in Iran since the revolution of...
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 125
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. D 11
Die „Habichtslehren“ des deutschen Spätmittelalters
Eine Quellenstudie zu Sprache, Herkunft und Kulturgeschichte
Not before their successor, the “Beizbüchlein”, was published as the very first printed book on hunting in Europe, the so-called “Habichtslehren” (“goshawk-lore”) got to some...
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. E 4
Arabische Welt. Grammatik, Dichtung und Dialekte
Beiträge einer Tagung im Juli 2008 in Erlangen zu Ehren von Wolfdietrich Fischer
This volume contains a selection of 15 contributions stemming from a conference of the same name held in July 2008 in honor of the Erlanger Orientalist Wolfdietrich Fischer....
Die nordjemenitischen Dialekte (Glossar)
Buchstaben Fa–Ya
This volume completes the three volume work on dialects in North-Yemen. Like in the preceding volumes interesting words are annotated and etymologically explained where possible.
Grammaire de l’ormuri de Baraki-Barak (Lôgar, Afghanistan)
Charles M. Kieffer has devoted his life to the study of some of the least known languages of the Iranian family, in particular Ormuri and Parachi, on which he carried out...
Die ägyptisch-arabischen Dialekte. Glossar Arabisch-Deutsch
No English description available. Showing German description:
Europa auf dem Weg nach Asien - mit dieser Umkehrung eines bekannten Slogans kann man die heutige Situation...