
Damm-Meinhardt, Ursula; Mühlenbruch, Tobias

Editor: Maran, Joseph

Baubefunde und Stratigraphie der Unterburg und des nordwestlichen Stadtgebiets (Kampagnen 1976 bis 1983)

Teil 3: Die ausgehende Palastzeit (SH III B2) und die mykenische Nachpalastzeit (SH III C). Dokumentation zu den Bänden XVII.1 und 2

22.5 x 31.5 cm, 146 p., 113 line drawings, 117 illustrations b/w, 23 line drawings, 59 line drawings, 12 S., 75 Tafeln mit 23 Plänen und 117 s/w-Abb., 59 Faltpläne und 105 s/w-Pläne und Profilzeichnungen, 8 Beilagen, cloth
98,00 €

ISBN: 9783895008504

Short Description

The lower citadel of Tiryns is a unique finding of settlements from the Mycenean late palatial and post-palatial periods. It was excavated between 1976 and 1983 under the conduct of Klaus Kilian. This volume comprises the report of the excavation, consisting of phase plans, isometries, planum and profile drawings, as well as photographs.


For the Mycenaean late palatial period and the postpalatial period, the Lower Citadel of Tiryns is of paramount importance – due to the excavations led by Klaus Kilian between 1976 and 1983. While in Tiryns 17.1 and 17.2 the architectural remains and stratigraphy are published, Tiryns 17.3 presents the documentation of the excavation - consisting of phase plans, isometries, planum and profile drawings, as well as photographs. During Kilian’s excavations, the trenches were documented systematically by drawings and photographs. Based on the drawings, phase plans and isometrics were drafted.

Biographical Note

Short Curriculum Vitae Ursula Damm-Meinhardt:

born 1959 in Gummersbach, Germany

1980-1987 Studies of Prehistoric and Early Medieval Archaeology, Ancient and Medieval History, Egyptology and Geology at Bonn and Berlin

1983-1985 Participant in the Excavations at Tiryns (K. Kilian)

1988-1993 Doctoral Thesis: “The Late Mycenaean Miniature Vases and Hollow Bulls of Tiryns“ (Ch. Podzuweit, K. Kilian)

1994 PhD in Prehistoric and Early Medieval Archaeology at the University of Bonn

since 1994 Member of Research in the Tiryns Project (J. Maran)

since 2012 Member of Research in the Archaeo-Seismological HERACLES Project (K.-G. Hinzen, J. Maran)

Research Interests:
Aegean Bronze Age, Issues of Settlement, Cult, Pottery
Tobias Mühlenbruch:

born in 1976
1997-2005 Studies of Pre- and Protohistory at Cologne and Heidelberg, Ph.D. at Heidelberg
2005-2008 Project Staff „SCIEM 2000“
Since 2007 research assistant Marburg
2012 Habilitation and Privatdozent at Marburg
Research Interests: Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean, Neolithic and Bronze Age Central Europe


Alte Geschichte (86) || Ancient Mycenaean style || Archaeology (541) || Archaeology by period / region (457) || Architecture (167) || Architecture: castles & fortifications (11) || Architecture: residential buildings, domestic buildings (28) || Cyprus (7) || Earth sciences (38) || Geology & the lithosphere (20) || Greece (59) || Klassische Archäologie (47) || Kultgebäude (2) || Landscape archaeology (125) || Mykenai (2) || Prehistory (15) || Siedlungsarchäologie (23) || Southeast Europe (41) || Stratigraphy || Tiryns (7) || Turkey (227) || c 2000 to c 1000 BCE (34) || mykenische Kultur (7)