
Brüggemann, Werner

Der Orientteppich

Einblicke in Geschichte und Ästhetik

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 448 p., 108 illustrations b/w, 16 illustrations color, hardback
98,00 €

ISBN: 9783895005633

Short Description

This volume analyses for the first time the orient carpet by means of historical and aesthetical aspects. The author introduces five new issues on the orient carpet – which have been neglected so far – and provides an insight into its ornaments. He examines various patterns and their beginnings as well as the acceptance of orient carpets during the 20th century. The publication aims for a better understanding of one of the most fascinating objects of oriental art and is not restricted to specialists only.

Biographical Note

Werner Brüggemann studied German language and literature, history and philosophy and specialises in Islamic art and orient carpets. For many years he has been working for exhibitions and has published numerous works on this topic. Brüggemann is also the author of Teppiche der Bauern und Nomaden in Anatolien (in cooperation with Harald Böhmer) und Yayla, Form und Farbe in türkischer Textilkunst, both titles are known as definitiveworks on this subjects.


Cultural & media studies (304) || Cultural studies (286) || Ethnologie (18) || Europäische Malerei || Eyck, Jan van (3) || Fine arts: art forms (180) || Fine arts: treatments & subjects (401) || Flachgewebe || Geschichte der islamischen Kunst || Geschichte des Orientteppichs || History of art (240) || Holbein || Islamische Kunst (5) || Knüpfteppich || Orientalische Kunst (2) || Orientteppich || Philosophy: aesthetics (3) || Rezeptionsgeschichte || Rezeptionsästhetik || Society & culture: general (409) || Textile artworks (10) || Textilwissenschaft (2) || Türkische Kunst || islamische Ornamentik