
History of religion

Results 1 - 20 of 69
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Reichert, Susanne

A Layered History of Karakorum

Stratigraphy and Periodization in the City Center

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 352 p., hardback
70,00 €

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The up to 5 m thick stratigraphy in the center of Karakorum, the most important city of the Mongol Empire north...

Reichert, Susanne

Craft Production in the Mongol Empire

Karakorum and its Artisans

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 428 p., hardback
99,00 €

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The book offers for the first time an in-depth study of craft production in the capital of the Mongol Empire,...

Sernesi, Marta

Re-enacting the Past

A Cultural History of the School of gTsang smyon Heruka

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 584 p., cloth
98,00 €

This book is devoted to the study of the so-called “School of gTsang smyon,” i.e. the religious community that gathered around the Tibetan master gTsang smyon Heruka (1452–1507)....

Editor: Purnaqcheband, Nader; Saalfeld, Florian

Aus den Tiefenschichten der Texte

Beiträge zur turko-iranischen Welt von der Islamisierung bis zur Gegenwart

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 344 p., hardback
98,00 €

Being case studies, the contributions to this volume highlight various aspects of the Turco-Iranian world starting from the Islamization in the 7th century up to the present day....

Nyunt, Peter
Editor: Cicuzza, Claudio

A Descriptive Catalogue of Burmese Manuscripts in the Fragile Palm Leaves Collection

Volume 3

13.0 x 21.0 cm, 908 p., paperback / softback
98,00 €

We are pleased to present the three volumes compiled by Peter Nyunt in the series "Material for the Study ofthe Tripitaka". The Fragile Palm Leavcs Foundation manuscript...

Nyunt, Peter
Editor: Cicuzza, Claudio

A Descriptive Catalogue of Burmese Manuscripts in the Fragile Palm Leaves Collection

Volume 1

13.0 x 21.0 cm, 680 p., paperback / softback
88,00 €

We are pleased to present the three volumes compiled by Peter Nyunt in the series "Material for the Study ofthe Tripitaka". The Fragile Palm Leavcs Foundation manuscript...

Nyunt, Peter
Editor: Cicuzza, Claudio

A Descriptive Catalogue of Burmese Manuscripts in the Fragile Palm Leaves Collection

Volume 2

13.0 x 21.0 cm, 1068 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

We are pleased to present the three volumes compiled by Peter Nyunt in the series "Material for the Study ofthe Tripitaka". The Fragile Palm Leavcs Foundation manuscript...

Editor: Jacquesson, Svetlana

History Making in Central and Northern Eurasia

Contemporary Actors and Practices

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 168 p., hardback
79,00 €

This volume seeks to extend our understanding of how knowledge about the past was and is being produced in central and northern Eurasia. Its authors use the methods of several...

Series: Iran – Turan Volume: 15
Loy, Thomas

Bukharan Jews in the Soviet Union

Autobiographical Narrations of Mobility, Continuity and Change

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 304 p., hardback
118,00 €

Each of the autobiographical narrations presented in this study on Bukharan Jews is unique. Seen collectively, they amount to a comprehensive survey of Bukharan Jewish experiences...

Series: Iran – Turan Volume: 16
Kleinmichel, Sigrid

Hiob zwischen Selbstbezichtigung und Protest

Gedichte aus Mittelasien (19. bis 20. Jahrhundert)

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 480 p., hardback
148,00 €

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In mehreren Handschriften überliefert sind Ghasele und andere Gedichte von einem Dichter, der sich Ayyub (Hiob)...

Series: Iran – Turan Volume: 14
Paul, Jürgen

Lokale und imperiale Herrschaft im Iran des 12. Jahrhunderts

Herrschaftspraxis und Konzepte

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 568 p., hardback
148,00 €

How is political rule organised? Top-down, in a process of delegation? Or are there other forms and can local rulers take their position without being legitimised from above,...

Series: Iran – Turan Volume: 13
Lumbini International Research Institute; Deeg, Max

Searching for the Dharma, Finding Salvation – Buddhist Pilgrimage in Time and Space

Proceedings of the Workshop "Buddhist Pilgrimage in History and Present Times" at the Lumbini International Research Institute (LIRI), Lumbini, 11 -13 January 2010

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 284 p., with dust jacket
39,80 €
Wulfert, Heiko

Geschichte des frühen Christentums heute

Traditionen - Hintergründe - Aktuelle Fragen

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 336 p., hardback
29,90 €

The basic decisions which were taken in the time of the early Christianity determine the history of the church up to the presence. Duty of this book is it, in narrative technique,...

Olalde, Liudmila

Zum Begriff ’namarupa:’

Das Individuum im Pali-Kanon

13.0 x 21.0 cm, 156 p., paperback / softback
24,00 €

Nāmarūpa (literally “name and form”) is widely known as a Buddhist term used to denote the the five “groups” (P. khandhas, Sk. skandhas) of which the individual is said to consist...

Editor: Motika, Raoul; Kemper, Michael; Kügelgen, Anke von

Repression, Anpassung, Neuorientierung

Studien zum Islam in der Sowjetunion und dem postsowjetischen Raum

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 320 p., hardback
110,00 €

How did Islam survive in the Soviet Union, how did Muslims re-establish Islam in the post-Soviet public sphere? In specific case studies and longitudinal surveys, senior...

Series: Kaukasienstudien Volume: 12
Pahlke, Michael

Die Hagiographie des La phyi ba Nam mkha’ rgyal mtshan (1372 bis 1437)

Eine Studie über das Leben eines tibetischen Heiligen

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 368 p., cloth
98,00 €

This is the life story of a saint who is deemed to be the reincarnation of the most famous Tibetan hermit, rJe btsun Mi la ras pa. Due to his more than three-decades long abode in...

Humbach, Helmut; Faiss, Klaus

Herodotus’s Scythians and Ptolemy’s Central Asia

Semasiological and Onomasiological Studies

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 104 p., cloth
39,00 €

The present book deals with semasiological and onomasiological questions in Herodotus's (5th century B.C.) famous portrayal of the Scythians and in Ptolemy's description of the...

Dagyeli, Jeanine Elif

»Gott liebt das Handwerk«

Moral, Identität und religiöse Legitimierung in der mittelasiatischen Handwerks-risala

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 320 p., hardback
98,00 €

The present book is the first large-scale research on the Central Asian crafts’ risala, a pre-Soviet code of conduct, and describes the crafts spiritual and social roots by...

Series: Iran – Turan Volume: 12
Klein, Almuth

Funktion und Nutzung der Krypta im Mittelalter

Heiligsprechung und Heiligenverehrung am Beispiel Italien

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 288 p., hardback
68,00 €

Under the lasting influence of romantic-mystic views of the 19th and 20th century the function of a crypt within the structure of a church is still a matter of false...

Beck, Wolfgang

Die Merseburger Zaubersprüche

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 500 p., cloth
64,00 €

The study represents the first extensive monograph on these significant Old High German texts. The controversial linguistic material is examined etymologically while questions...

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