
Editor: Scholz, Udo W.

In cooperation with: Goehl, Konrad


Die lateinische Persius-Kommentierung der Tradition B

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 480 p., cloth
110,00 €

ISBN: 9783752007008
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Table of Contents

Short Description

With the edition of the „tradition B“ of the Latin medieval Persius commentaries the edition of all Persius scholia ( from 9th – 16th century 75 testimonies) is completed (vol. I: tradition A, D, E, 2009; vol. II: tradition C, 2018; vol. III: tradition B, 2023). For the first time the medieval school commentraries of an ancient author is get-at-able. So the documents of the Persius reception in Middle Ages serves also as a model for the history of the acquisition of literature and intellectual history of antiquity.


The edition of the Persius scholia of the „tradition B“ is the third and last volume (vol. I: tradition A, D, E, 2009; vol. II: tradition C, 2018 – the same publishers) of all medieval Persius scholia (from 9th – 16th century 75 testimonies) – hitherto only the texts of a few mostly misunderstood manuscirpts of Persius scholia were published. Now for the first time a complete series of medieval school commentaries of an ancient author is get-at-able. This scholia edition will be the basis and starting point of many research problems: As a few medieval Persius scholia show that they had known ancient Persius scholia, there is not only the general question of ancient sources, their origin and working up in medieval scholia, but also the necessary attempt of a reconstruction of the ancient Persius commentaries. And as the school commentaries were the basis of the about 35 mostly unopened Persius commentaries of medieval scholars, it is now possible to judge on the performances and results of these scholars. Furtheron the Persius scholia supply also important informations on all the questions of medieval school knowledge and learning, its material, methods and quality. So the scholia will answer to many questions of research to Antiquity and Middle Ages.

Biographical Note

Udo W. Scholz, 1939 born in Breslau, 1957 – 1962 studies in Munich and Erlangen, 1962 PhD and 1969 habilitation in Erlangen in Classical Philology, 1974 – 2007 Professor at the University of Würzburg (Dr. h.c. of the Univ. of Caen / France and Thessaloniki / Greece), taught Latin literature and Roman intellectual history and religion, with the focal point in research: Latin literature of the Roman republic and early empire; Roman public religion; the scholia of Persius.


1st century, c 1 to c 99 (40) || Cornutus, Lucius Annaeus (3) || Cultural & media studies (310) || Cultural studies (292) || Gelehrtenkommentar (3) || Indo-European languages (452) || Italische Sprachen (252) || Klosterschulen (3) || Kommentierung (7) || Latin (41) || Linguistics (739) || Persius Flaccus, Aulus (3) || Persius-Kommentierung (3) || Probus, Marcus Valerius (3) || Ps-Cornutus (3) || Scholien (3) || Schulautor (3) || Schulkommentar (3) || Society & culture: general (417) || c 1 CE to c 500 CE (154) || commentarius (3)