
Editors: Maggi, Mauro; Cereti, Carlo; Provasi, Elio

Religious themes and texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia

Studies in honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli on the occasion of his 65th birthday on 6th December 2002

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 512 p., 37 illustrations b/w, cloth
110,00 €

ISBN: 9783895003295
Table of Contents

Short Description

The volume contains forty-one papers dedicated to the distinguished Iranianist by colleagues, friends and former students, and a complete bibliography of the dedicatee. The papers deal with a variety of themes relating to Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, Christianity, Buddhism and the multifarious religious history of pre-Islamic Iran approached mainly, but not exclusively, from a historical and philological point of view. The volume also contains a number of previously unpublished or untranslated religious texts as well as re-editions and new translations. The papers cover all Old and Middle Iranian languages, New Persian and other New Iranian languages.


Professor Gherardo Gnoli, currently professor of Religious history of Iran and Central Asia at “La Sapienza” University in Rome and formerly professor of Iranian philology in Naples, is a distinguished scholar in the field of Iranian studies, especially Iranian religions. His scientific career has seen him engaged mainly in the study of the religious and secular history of the Iranian world as against the general background of studies on Late Antiquity. In this field he has written extensively on Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, the origin of the idea of Iran and the relationship between throne and Zoroastrian church in pre-Islamic Iran.
Besides a complete bibliography of his works up to 2001, the volume contains forty-one papers (23 in English, 8 in French, 7 in German and 3 in Italian) dedicated to him by colleagues, friends and former students to honour him on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The papers reflect the research interests of the dedicatee in that they deal with a variety of themes relating to Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, Christianity, Buddhism and the multifarious religious history of pre-Islamic Iran approached mainly, but not exclusively, from a historical and philological point of view.
The sujects of the papers range from the relationships between Zoroastrianism and society to the reflexes of religious beliefs on several Iranian languages, from religious iconography to the composition techniques of religious texts, from the history of Avestan studies in the 20th century to the analysis of religious concepts and ideas. The volume also contains a number of previously unpublished or untranslated religious texts as well as re-editions and new translations. The papers cover all Old and Middle Iranian languages (Avestan, Old and Middle Persian, Parthian, Sogdian, Khotanese, Bactrian) and also New Persian,
Ossetic and other New Iranian languages.

A. D. H. Bivar, F. de Blois, A. Cantera, C. G. Cereti and D. N. MacKenzie †, I. Colditz, S. Cristoforetti, E. Filippone, R. N. Frye, Ph. Gignoux, F. Grenet, R. Gyselen, C. Herrenschmidt, A. Hintze, H. Humbach, M. Hutter, Ph. Huyse, A. de Jong, J. Josephson, J. Kellens, G. Lazard, M. Macuch, M. Maggi, E. Morano, A. Panaino, E. Pirart, A. Piras, E. Provasi, Ch. Reck, A. V. Rossi, G. Scarcia, R. Schmitt, M. Schwartz, Sh. Shaked, N. Sims-Williams, P. O. Skjærvø, W. Sundermann, Ph. Swennen, M. Vitalone, D. Weber, J. Wiesehöfer and Y. Yoshida.


„This book will be of great interst to students of so many aspects of Iran in the widest sense in the ancient and medieval periods and is surely a fitting tribute to Gherardo Gnoli.“

In: Bulletin of the Oriental and African Studies. 68/3. S. 473-476.

Series Description

The series Beiträge zur Iranistik was founded in the 1960s by Georges Redard and subsequently edited by Nicholas Sims-Williams from 1997 to 2020; the present series editor is Agnes Korn. The series publishes works on the languages of the Iranian branch of Indo-European. The focus is on linguistics, including grammars, dictionaries, text editions, philology as well as diachronic and synchronic studies of linguistic topics. Neighbouring fields such as literature, archaeology and anthropology are likewise represented. The languages of the series are English, German and French. The Beiträge zur Iranistik are represented in libraries internationally and are widely used standard works of Iranian studies.

Verwandte Reihen:


6th century, c 500 to c 599 (45) || 7th century, c 600 to c 699 (35) || Aspects of religion (66) || Biography & non-fiction prose (115) || Central Asia (51) || Criticism & exegesis of sacred texts (10) || General & world history (9) || Geography (512) || History (842) || Iran (124) || Iranistik (58) || Literary essays (62) || Literary studies: general (122) || Literature: history & criticism (181) || Mittel- und Zentralasien. Iran (2) || Religion (45) || Religion & beliefs (227) || Religionswissenschaft (8) || Sprachwissenschaft (153) || Theology (33) || c 1 CE to c 500 CE (154) || c 500 CE to c 1000 CE (182)