Symbolische Repräsentation und Wirklichkeit nomadischen Lebens
This essay collection brings together contributions from two research colloquia of the Collaborative Research Center “Difference and Integration. The interaction between nomadic...
Raum – Landschaft – Territorium
Zur Konstruktion physischer Räume als nomadischer und sesshafter Lebensraum
The essays collected in this volume discuss the construction, development and perception of spaces from an interdisciplinary perspective and demonstrate how they evolve into...
Existenzsicherung und Mobilität im ariden Marokko
The living conditions of former nomads in the arid mountain and desert regions of Morocco have been subject to dramatic change during the last decades. New economic and social...
Der imaginierte Nomade
Formel und Realitätsbezug bei antiken, mittelalterlichen und arabischen Autoren
When a pre-modern author writes about nomads, his writing is immediately suspected of being soaked with literary formulae. This suspicion, which is no doubt justified, is for the...