Große Kriege und Schlachten der Georgier
Von den Assyrienkriegen bis König Giorgi Lascha
The most important Georgian battles (wars and battles) within three millennia are presented here in chronological order in a brief overview. The period covers the span from the...
Gestalten der Geschichte Georgiens
vom 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. bis zu den Mongolen
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Die Arbeit führt in alphabetischer Reihenfolge eine Großzahl historischer Persönlichkeiten auf, die die...
Dismember Remember
Das anatomische Theater von Lina Saneh und Rabih Mroué
What happens if a body is dissected with words rather than physically? If what is taken apart is reassembled? What impact does this have on how we see things? This volume is the...
Vorgestellte Öffentlichkeit
Zur Genese moderner Prosa in Ägypten (1860 bis 1908)
This socio-literary study examines the relationship between processes of modernisation and reform, and new literary genres produced in Egypt of the second half of the 19th...
Qamishly, Plumes et Ténèbres
Lectures de quatre œuvres en prose de Salim Barakat
This study explores the early prose work of the Syrian-Kurdish novelist and poet Salim Barakat (b. 1951). Containing elements of both the realistic and fantastic, his narrative...
Poetry’s Voice – Society’s Norms
Forms of Interaction between Middle Eastern Writers and their Societies
Literary works are much more than mere illustrations of societal conditions. Literature is the setting in which society discusses itself. In this volume, international scholars of...
Das Geheimnis der Geheimnisse
Die arabischen und deutschen Fassungen des pseudo-aristotelischen »Sirr al-asrar / Secretum secretorum«
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Das pseudo-aristotelische „Sirr al-asrar“ / „Secretum secretorum“ gehört zu den einflussreichsten Texten des...