Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology
Bayard, Marc
Das dynamische Sein bei Nicolaus Cusanus
Ein Beitrag zur Begriffsgeschichte der dynamischen Ontologie
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 344 p., cloth
89,00 €
Esse est movere - to be is to move. Contrary to our static notions of medieval philosophy, Nicolaus Cusanus in the 15th century sketches a dynamic view of the world in which...
Series: Scrinium Friburgense
Volume: 42
Editor: Johach, Eva; Sawicki, Diethard
Medialität und Raum in der Moderne
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 232 p., cloth
49,00 €
In this volume, whose authors explore conceptions of space from the 18th to the 20th century, focusing on the role of the body and the senses as well as the importance of the...
Series: Trierer Beiträge zu den Historischen Kulturwissenschaften
Volume: 8
Park, Ynhui
Translated by: Friebe, Karl Reinhard
Translated by: Friebe, Karl Reinhard
Die Krise der technologischen Zivilisation und die asiatische Antwort
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 56 p., paperback / softback
15,00 €
Ynhui Park diagnoses an unprecedented crisis of the global civilization which threatens the very survival of the world and of mankind. This crisis cannot be understood without...