Plays, playscripts
Gestalten durch Verbergen
Ghassan Salhabs melancholischer Blick auf Beirut in Film, Video und Dichtung
This volume is the first comprehensive, across-media study of the work of the Lebanese film auteur Ghassan Salhab. His oeuvre emerges in a conceptual environment shaped by a...
Dismember Remember
Das anatomische Theater von Lina Saneh und Rabih Mroué
What happens if a body is dissected with words rather than physically? If what is taken apart is reassembled? What impact does this have on how we see things? This volume is the...
Satire und Kontext
Gesellschaftskritik in den Dramen des ägyptischen Autors Ali Salem
This study examines the dramas of the Egyptian writer Ali Salem (b. 1936). In addition to determining Salem’s position in literary history and outlining developments in modern...
Ludus compleatur
Theatralisierungsstrategien epischer Stoffe im spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Spiel
This study concentrates on strategies of the theatralization of epic motifs in the late medieval and early modern play in combination with the question of the advantages which lie...