
Stöhr, Friedemann

Musiktherapeutische Verfahren zur psycho-sozialen Unterstützung der Krankheitsbewältigung bei chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen (CED)

Entwicklung eines Konzepts auf gestalttherapeutischer Basis

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 128 p., paperback / softback
19,90 €

ISBN: 9783954901739
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Table of Contents

Short Description

Development of a music-therapeutic reference system that should contribute to the establishment of a creative way of life for a sufferer of CED. Therefore an overview of the clinical picture, the medical aetiology, the living situation of a CED sufferer and the general psychological and music-therapeutic research is obtained. The basics here are the bio-psycho-social model, the salutogenesis and the Gestalt therapy with its awareness-excitement contact cycle. The psycho-social treatment and support comprise the containment, coping with stress, strengthening resilience by stimulating resources, development of coping strategies, encouraging compliance and the treatment of of pain without medicine


Currently over 320 thousand people in Germany suffer from a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's disease in which the side effects of psycho-social impairment have to be looked at as additional complicating factors.
New information concerning the causes and effects of IBD led to a paradigm shift. For example, in the field of medicine, Crohn's disease is no longer considered an auto-immune condition but as a failure of the immune system to close down an attack. According to new research in the area of psycho-therapy, there is no typical profile for those susceptible to this condition. What was formerly considered to be the cause is now merely the resulting symptom.
These recent changes have not yet been reflected in the current existing scientific research concerning IBD and music therapy.
Although a life-long condition IBD progresses in phases. In between times of acute IBD activity, there are intermittent periods of apparent reduction in the symptoms. Therefore, those affected cannot count on stability but must always expect continual changes in their condition. However, other patients live with a constant progression in IBD activity levels. This is why it is especially important to help those dealing with the disease by providing them with psycho-social support. Music therapy using non-verbal methods can be extremely effective.
This current concept is the trial to develop a system of practical music therapy which helps towards a creative way of life for IBD sufferers. Part one contains an overview of the medical causes and symptoms. The second section describes the life circumstances for an IBD sufferer. Part three outlines the general psychological and music-therapy research in the scientific literature and part four develops a reference system in which the criteria for music therapy are formulated and developed. These criteria are then referenced to relevant practical examples which are illustrated by real-life examples and case studies.
The basis of the reference systems are the bio-psycho-social model, the understanding of sickness as salutogenesis and sense of coherence as described by Antonovsky, and also the Gestalt therapy with its awareness-excitement contact cycle, which give the framework for the starting point for psycho-therapy. The psycho-social treatment and support comprise:
• the containment of overflowing emotions,
• coping with stress,
• strengthening resilience by stimulating resources,
• development of coping strategies,
• encouraging compliance,
• to some extent the treatment of pain without medicine.
Although the author does not conceal his personal involvement he is still able in this article to maintain the necessary scientific and therapeutic distance.

Biographical Note

The author (b.1950) has been suffering from IBD for 35 years. Searching for an effective remedy in the early 1980s, he was exposed to Gestalt therapy and came into contact with music therapy. Until 2001 he was a teacher, educationalist and Head of Department for music in a Gesamtschule in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Following education at the Institute for Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt Education from 1991 to1995 he qualified in Music Gestalt Therapy. From 1995 he was in general practice in music gestalt therapy as a consultant and leader of workshops and seminars including;
“Bundeskongress Schulpsychologie 2000”
Arbeitskreis für Schulmusik (AfS)
Institut für ganzheitliche Seelsorge und Beratung Geislingen (IGS)
Member of the Deutschen Morbus Crohn und Colitis Vereinigung (DCCV), and co-founder of the AK Komplementärmedizin.
Leader or contributor at workshops and seminars such as doctor-patient seminars and various self-help groups.
Training of other therapists at HIGW Hamburg.
Further education in GIM level I & II (Guided Imagery and Music) with Stephanie Merritt and Sound Massage according to Peter Hess.
In 2014 he attained an MA at the Hochschule Magdeburg. FB Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen: Methoden musiktherapeutischer Forschung und Praxis.
Education in Musik-imaginativer Schmerzbehandlung (Entrainment).


Achtsamkeit (3) || Clinical psychology (140) || Complementary medicine (2) || Creative therapy (eg art, music, drama) (132) || Entspannung (2) || Medical specialties, branches of medicine (141) || Medizinische Information (2) || Occupational therapy (132) || Psychotherapy (154) || Psychotherapy: general (117) || Spiritualität (3) || kreative Therapie (2) || psychodynamische Musiktherapie (2)