
Semitic languages

Results 21 - 40 of 99
Milich, Stephan

Poetik der Fremdheit

Palästinensische und irakische Lyrik des Exils

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 432 p., hardback
79,00 €

This first study on contemporary Arabic exile poetry focuses on four poets who contributed essentially to the innovation of the contemporary Arabic “Qa“īda”: Sa ͑dī Yūsuf (b....

Saugestad , Frode

Individuation and the Shaping of Personal Identity

A Comparative Study of the Modern Novel

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 304 p., hardback
45,00 €

This book endeavors to contribute to comparative literary studies, especially the study of the modern novel, through its analysis of the process of individuation in four distinct...

Aus dem Arabischen übertragen von Philipp Wolf. Herausgegeben vom Landesmuseum für Natur und Mensch, Oldenburg

Abdallah Ibn al-Muqaffa. Kalila und Dimna

Die Fabeln des Bidpai

13.0 x 18.0 cm, 292 p., hardback
14,00 €

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„Kalila und Dimna“ ist eine Fabelsammlung, die im Arabischen ihre klassische Form erhalten hat, und gehört zu...

Taha, Ibrahim

Arabic Minimalist Story

Genre, Politics and Poetics in the Self-colonial Era

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 184 p., hardback
49,00 €

One of the major aims of this book is to characterize the Arabic minimalist story as a newly established genre of narrative fiction that exploits a host of “austere” techniques in...

Ciancaglini, Claudia

Iranian Loanwords in Syriac

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 364 p., cloth
68,00 €

The book investigates the deep linguistic contact between Iranians and Arameans from the formation of the Achaemenid empire onwards, and focuses especially on the linguistic...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 28
Roos, Burgi

Qamishly, Plumes et Ténèbres

Lectures de quatre œuvres en prose de Salim Barakat

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 226 p., hardback
49,00 €

This study explores the early prose work of the Syrian-Kurdish novelist and poet Salim Barakat (b. 1951). Containing elements of both the realistic and fantastic, his narrative...

Kümmel, Martin Joachim


Bausteine zu einer Typologie des Lautwandels und ihre Konsequenzen für die vergleichende Rekonstruktion

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 488 p., cloth
68,00 €

First of all the book provides a comprehensive and commented collection and classification of consonantal sound changes in Indo-European, Semitic, and Uralic. The data is given in...

Jumaili, Monem

Arabische Korrespondenz

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 208 p., paperback / softback
24,90 €

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"Arabische Korrespondenz" ist ein Praxis bezogenes Handbuch und vermittelt Studenten, Praktikern,...

Editor: Pflitsch, Andreas; Winckler, Barbara

Poetry’s Voice – Society’s Norms

Forms of Interaction between Middle Eastern Writers and their Societies

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 306 p., hardback
68,00 €

Literary works are much more than mere illustrations of societal conditions. Literature is the setting in which society discusses itself. In this volume, international scholars of...

Ambros, Arne A.; Procházka, Stephan

The Nouns of Koranic Arabic Arranged by Topics

A Companion Volume to the “Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic”

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 128 p., hardback
39,00 €

This dictionary undertakes, for the first time, to group the substantives and adjectives in the Arabic Koran by topics, with glosses in English. The categories are partly derived ...

Ambros, Arne A.

Bongornu, kif int?

Einführung in die maltesische Sprache. Schlüssel und Wörterverzeichnis

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 94 p., paperback / softback
9,90 €

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Maltesisch ist eine Mischsprache aus einem semitischen Grundstock und starken italienischen und englischen...

Binay, Sara

Die Figur des Beduinen in der arabischen Literatur

9. bis 12. Jahrhundert

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 264 p., hardback
68,00 €

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Im Zentrum der Studie steht die Beduinenfigur, die im Kontext nomadisch-sesshafter Beziehungen untersucht wird....

Series: Nomaden und Sesshafte Volume: 03
Editor: Neuwirth, Angelika; Islebe, Andreas Christian

Reflections on Reflections

Near Eastern Writers Reading Literature

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 408 p., hardback
88,00 €

This volume assembles the papers read at a symposium on the diverse forms of literature reception and intertextuality in Middle Eastern literatures in general and Arabic...

Dové, Peter

Erzählte Tradition

Historische und literarische Figuren im Werk von Zakariya Tamir. Eine narratologische Analyse

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 208 p., hardback
29,00 €

Zakariyyā Tāmir (b. 1931) is generally considered to be one of the most innovative authors in contemporary Arabic literature. One characteristic of his short stories is how they...

Goldmann, Ingelore

Arabischer Wortschatz · Lernspiele

13.0 x 18.0 cm, 284 p., paperback / softback
14,90 €

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Dieses Buch enthält 150 Wortschatztests zum modernen Hocharabisch für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Die...

Forster, Regula

Das Geheimnis der Geheimnisse

Die arabischen und deutschen Fassungen des pseudo-aristotelischen »Sirr al-asrar / Secretum secretorum«

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 344 p., cloth
35,00 €

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Das pseudo-aristotelische „Sirr al-asrar“ / „Secretum secretorum“ gehört zu den einflussreichsten Texten des...

Von Manfred Moser unter Mitwirkung von Sharon Meyer und Joseph Felice Pace

Malti – Germaniz Dizzjunarju kbir. Deutsch – Maltesisch Großes Wörterbuch

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 880 p., hardback
98,00 €

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Mit mehr als 64000 Einträgen schlägt dieses Wörterbuch Maltesisch-Deutsch/ Deutsch-Maltesisch eine direkte...

Stock, Kristina

Arabische Stilistik

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 140 p., hardback
39,00 €

The "Arabic Stylistics" is the only book in German language and perhaps in European languages in general that deals the very important Arabic balagha with the aim to show the...

Goldmann, Ingelore

Lernwortschatz Arabisch

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 320 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

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Der Erwerb von Wortschatz spielt im Fremdsprachenunterricht immer eine bedeutende Rolle, bildet doch gerade die...

By Arne A. Ambros with the collaboration of Stephan Procházka

A Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 392 p., hardback
49,00 €

A ”Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic” is the first dictionary of its kind to appear in well over a century, i. e. after a stretch of time during which, thanks to the endeavors...