
Editor: Bruns, Claudia

,Rasse‘ und Raum

Topologien zwischen Kolonial-, Geo- und Biopolitik: Geschichte, Kunst, Erinnerung

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 358 p., 28 illustrations b/w, cloth
29,00 €

ISBN: 9783954900367
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Table of Contents

Short Description

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Wissen entsteht nicht unabhängig von Räumen, sondern ist schon in seiner Formierung selbst an Prozesse der Verräumlichung gebunden. Historisch zunächst als visuelle Differenz konstruiert, spielt für die Konstruktion rassischer Unterschiede die Dimension des Raumes ebenfalls eine zentrale Rolle.

Series Description

The new publication series entitled “Trierer Beiträge zu den historischen Kulturwissenschaften” (Trier Papers in Historical Cultural Studies) aims at being a forum for papers in the area of Cultural Studies, which focus on historical and interdisciplinary research. In addition to essay collections and conference proceedings, the series also covers monographic studies as well as exhibition catalogues. The editor of the book series is the Executive Board of the “Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungszentrum” (HKFZ) Trier (Trier Historical Cultural Research Centre) at Trier University. The Research Centre is financed in line with the research initiative of Rhineland-Palatinate. The HKFZ’s current research topic is called “Räume des Wissens – Orte, Ordnungen, Oszillationen” (“Spaces of Knowledge – Places, Orders, Oscillations”). In collaboration with national and international partners, groups of linked projects work on this topic at Trier University.


Anthropology (79) || Cultural & media studies (304) || Cultural studies (286) || Kulturwissenschaft (45) || Philosophy (41) || Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge (5) || Rasse || Raum (5) || Social & cultural anthropology (77) || Society & culture: general (409) || Sociology & anthropology (108) || Topics in philosophy (13)