Franz Helm und sein »Buch von den probierten Künsten«
Ein handschriftlich verbreitetes Büchsenmeisterbuch in der Zeit des frühen Buchdrucks
The „Book of proven arts“ was written in 1535 by the gunmaster Franz Helm as a detailed and comprehensive introduction to the art of artillery. The lengthy working procedures deal...
San Salvatore in Spoleto
Studien zur spätantiken und frühmittelalterlichen Architektur Italiens
Works of art without any real parallels, precursors or successors have always particularly confused researchers of the history of art. In the case of S. Salvatore in Spoleto the...
Spätantike korinthische Säulenkapitelle in Rom
Bei S. Paolo fuori le mura, in S. Maria in Domnica und andere
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Der Band enthält eine Zusammenstellung von spätantiken Kapitellen relativ einheitlicher Ausführung und Größe aus...
Guarno Guarini Ungebaute Bauten
Guarino Guarini was a Theatine monk, philosopher, mathematician, playwright and an ingenious architect. He lived in the 17th century and left behind buildings with strong dynamics...
Marmor in Rom
Anlieferung, Lager- und Werkplätze in der Kaiserzeit
Ancient Rome was like a huge construction site. This volume examines, among others, the technical, economic, and logistic aspects of the supply and the processing of marble. Some...
Mariano Taccola – De Machinis
Faksimile des Codex Latinus Monacensis 28800, Teil II. in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München
Writing about engineering went through one of its decisive stages, on the way from the ancient treatise to the modern textbook, during the 15th century. Mariano Taccola of Siena...
Philo of Byzantium. Pneumatica
The first Treatise on Experimental Phyics: Western Vesion and Eastern Version. Facsimile and Transcript of the Latin Manuscript, Codex Latinus Monacensis 534, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München
Philo, from the Greek colony of Byzantium, was active in Alexandria and Rhodos about 200 BC. He is famous as one of the earliest teachers of military engineering, and is known to...