
Gesammelt und bearbeitet von Luise und Klaus Hallof

Die Inschriften des Landkreises Jena

19.0 x 27.0 cm, 446 p., 138 illustrations b/w, cloth
91,00 €

Series Description

The project aims at compiling and publishing all Latin and German inscriptions of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period until 1650. Geographically, the collection currently covers Germany and Austria as well as South Tyrol. The findings are published in the DI volumes. Each volume comprises the inscriptions from one or several urban or rural districts or from a single city, issuing even smaller complexes separately in cities with particularly large numbers of inscriptions. The series includes both preserved original inscriptions and those which survive only as copies. “Die Deutschen Inschriften” is by far the oldest current project aiming at the compilation of medieval and early modern inscriptions. It was founded over 75 years ago as a joint project of the German and Austrian Academies of Sciences and Humanities on the initiative of the Germanist Friedrich Panzer (Heidelberg) with substantial cooperation from the historians Karl Brandi (Göttingen) and Hans Hirsch (Vienna).


Central Europe (288) || East Germany (3) || European history (222) || European history: medieval period, middle ages (175) || Exhibition catalogues & specific collections (210) || Fine arts: treatments & subjects (402) || Germany (246) || Historical research: source documents (225) || History (842) || History: theory & methods (233) || Linguistics (739) || Palaeography (214) || Thuringia (2)