Upper Bavaria
Baubefunde und Siedlungsentwicklung der Südumgehung im Oppidum von Manching
Between 1965 and 1971 the area called „Südumgehung“(southern by-pass) was excavated in the oppidum of Manching. Besides numerous ditches and about 500 pits, circa 3300 postholes...
Die Sapropelitfunde aus dem Oppidum von Manching
The oppidum of Manching yielded one of the largest collections of objects made of sapropelite and related dark rocks in Europe dating to the La Tène period. Especially due to...
Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen in Manching-Altenfeld 1996 bis 1999
Teil 1: Text und Beilage. Teil 2: Text
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Die 6 ha große Fläche im Norden des Oppidums gibt Einblick in die Siedlungsgeschichte, das diverse...
Die Inschriften des Landkreises Weilheim-Schongau
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Der Band enthält 340 Editionen von Inschriften und Inschriftengruppen des Landkreises Weilheim-Schongau von der...
Die Waffen aus dem Oppidum von Manching
The approximately 800 weapons fragments from the oppidum of Manching, which covers over 300 years of settlement history, found their way into the ground for many different...