
Editors: Wetzel, René; Wuidar, Laurence

In cooperation with: Wimmer, Katharina

Mystique, langage, musique : dire l’indicible au Moyen Âge

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 328 p., 4 illustrations b/w, 7 illustrations color, cloth
89,00 €

ISBN: 9783954903498
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Table of Contents

Short Description

Music has long since occupied a privileged place in mystical tradition: chants induce ecstasy, visions are accompanied by auditory perception, and above all the mystical vocabulary is shaped by metaphors, allegories and descriptions from the field of music. In this way, an attempt is being made at communicating and rendering comprehensible both sensually and mentally an experience which transcends any human means of expression. In this interdisciplinary volume, specialists from musicology, philosophy, theology, Hebrew studies, Oriental studies, Mediolatin studies and German studies will – for the first time ever – examine this wide range of issues from various perspectives. They thus sketch a panorama of mystical thinking and speaking reaching from biblical discourse to Simone Weil. Medieval preoccupation – both theoretical and practical – with mysticism and its musical thinking is at the heart of the work. Although the focus is on Western mystical movements and spiritual literature, texts from Eastern cultures (e.g. Georgian Apocrypha) and profane literature (Tristan novel) are also being examined.

Biographical Note

René Wetzel, *1959
1992 PhD University of Fribourg (Switzerland), with a thesis on the manuscript tradition of Gottfrieds of Strasbourg ‘Tristan’ ; 1986-1993 research associate at the Martin Bodmer Foundation, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Cologny-Geneva; 2000 Habilitation, thesis on the mural paintings at the Castelroncolo castle and the Vintler family of Bolzano; since 2001 full professor of German medieval language and literature at the University of Geneva; from 2003 to 2006 and since 2016 director of the German language and literature Department. Research focuses: religious literature of the 14th/15th centuries; mysticism; mediality; text-image-relations; orality, visuality, literacy; historical semantics; edition philology.

Laurence Wuidar, *1978
2007 PhD (musicology) Free University of Brussels; 2007 Frances A. Yates Fellowship – Warburg Institute; 2008 Master Vatican Secret Archives; 2008 prize of the Belgian Royal Academy (Fine Art); 2008-2012 FNRS (Belgium); 2010 Burgen Scholars prize of the Academia Europaea; 2014-2017/2017-2020 FNS University of Geneva. Since 2011, she teaches History of Medieval Philosophy at the domenican Studium of Bologna. Books: Fuga Satanae. Musique et démonologie à l’aube des temps modernes, Droz, 2018; L’uomo musicale nell’antico cristianesimo. Storia di una metafora tra Oriente e Occidente, IHBR, 2016; La simbologia musicale nei commenti ai salmi di Agostino, Mimesis, 2014; L’angelo e il girasole. Conversazioni filosofico-musicali, ESD, 2010; Musique et astrologie après le concile de Trente, IHBR, 2008 ; Canons énigmes et hiéroglyphes musicaux dans l’Italie du 17è siècle, Peter Lang, 2008. Research focuses: music and philosophy, theology, history of medicine, astrology, magic, demonology, mysticism from Patristic to 17th Century.

Series Description

No English description available. Showing German description:
Die Buchreihe „Scrinium Friburgense“ umfasst Editionen, Monographien und Kolloquiumsbände aus allen Bereichen der Mediävistik, von der Kodikologie, Paläographie und Epigraphik über die mittelalterliche Geschichte, Philosophie- und Kunstgeschichte und die lateinische, deutsche, englische, französische, italienische und spanische Literatur des Mittelalters bis zur Byzantinistik. Besonders willkommen sind Arbeiten interdisziplinären Zuschnitts.


European history (222) || European history: medieval period, middle ages (175) || History (842) || History of music (33) || Linguistics (739) || Literatur (70) || Medieval style (49) || Mittelalter (295) || Music (112) || Mysticism (10) || Sprachgeschichte (39) || Volkssprache (4) || c 1000 CE to c 1500 (379) || c 500 CE to c 1000 CE (182)