Weapons & equipment
Militärische Ausrüstung und Pferdegeschirr aus den Vesuvstädten
The following work serves as a thorough, typological investigation of the military equipment and horse harnesses found in the Vesuvian cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae....
Die Waffen aus dem Oppidum von Manching
The approximately 800 weapons fragments from the oppidum of Manching, which covers over 300 years of settlement history, found their way into the ground for many different...
Ruhr Museum. Katalog der etruskischen und italischen Antiken
Mit einigen Stücken aus dem Museum Folkwang Essen
The present volume presents the about 200 objects of the Etruscans and other Italic cultures in the Ruhr Museum and some objects of the Museum Folkwang at Essen in a complete...
Skythika in Transkaukasien
Reiternomadische Sachkultur im archäologischen Fundkontext
This volume deals with so called scythoid finds in Transcaucasia usually interpreted as traces of nomadic invasions. On contrary, the analysis of the archaeological material shows...
Arms and Armour as Indicators of Cultural Transfer
The Steppes and the Ancient World from Hellenistic Times to the Early Middle Ages
The contributions in this volume give an impression of contemporary archaeological, art historical, and historical research in military equipment of and under the influence of...